Long-time listener, first-time caller here! This is a regional map of an archipelago in my TTRPG setting, which will serve as the foundation for a couple of informational maps (e.g. geopolitical, navigational hazards) for both myself and my players. Started out with graphite pencils/Pigma Micron ink pens on some nice rough sketch paper, and the scanned and touched up in GIMP.

However, I'm stuck on the finishing:

1. At minimum, I'd like to include a title and compass rose, but am not sure what the ideal composition would look like including these. My best attempt is included in the image, but I can't shake the feeling it could be improved.

2. This map was created for the characters in-game by an NPC, so I would like to include a sort of cartographer's signature or similar. Should that go under the title or off to the side?

3. Currently the map is frameless but I think it could be improved by a frame or the like. What would be a good approach to keep a somewhat lightweight feel but add a layer of polish?

4. Much of the large landmass in the upper right is scrubby coast transitioning to thick jungle. I'm experimenting with some subtle "watercolor-esque" brushes to suggest this terrain, but since the focus of this map is the archipelago itself, perhaps it's best to leave it clean?

Thanks for your expertise!
