Looks like the solution was posted.

The Luis blog was using the command:

C:/…/gdal_translate.exe -projwin 111500.205796943 6802000.89149315 171000.731271099 6760000.94138945 -of GTiff "C:/…/input.tif" ./output.tif

And switched to using:
C:/…/gdal_translate.exe -projwin 111500.205796943 6802000.89149315 171000.731271099 6760000.94138945 -projwin_srs EPSG:32722 -of GTiff "C:/…/input.tif" ./output.tif

Looks like they added -projwin_srs and then the desired coordinate projection, in this case EPSG:32722.

Obviously the paths with ... should be adapted to your computer's storage positions, and the input.tif.

I assume your problem is that you are not using the console to run the command, but instead clicking on merge raster. You could try opening the console and trying the command.

I don't know anything about the programming side of QGis, but I know one problem I had with merging some raster data was solved by using "create virtual raster" instead of "merge".