If you have questions about what's available in CC3+, try asking at the ProFantasy forum at https://forum.profantasy.com for what's usually a pretty quick response.
The two potentially biggest issues with CC3+ are that the software is a bit of an old-fashioned CAD program (use a command and then select things instead of select things and use a command) and that the sheer quantity of material available can make it difficult to find things. https://forum.profantasy.com/discuss...d-in-one-place has quick links and examples for a lot of their annual content. The Humble Bundle offering is likely worth it for the bitmap symbol assets alone, even if you never use the software. If you do want to try the software, I highly recommend planning to spend a few hours reading the getting started documentation and/or watching some of the many online videos. There are a fair number of what I will describe as "unexpected features" in the software that may prevent you from getting much out of it if you don't. The key to cutting through most of the unexpected behavior is to watch the status line for what the software is expecting and to right-click on things if you think you're stuck (for example, the primary command completion concept "Do It" is hiding on a context menu for the main drawing).