Hello, I am new here but I am in need of a couple of maps. One is a world map and the other is a more detailed map with key locations marked on it. I would greatly appreciate any help I could get with this. The details are below with some general instructions based on input from an AI. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you in advance!

World Map: The Lost Realms

Central Hub: Havenreach

Description: A floating city built on a massive rock formation suspended in the void. It has a series of smaller floating islands around it, which serve as farms, lookout posts, and smaller settlements.
Key Features: Central spires, bridges connecting floating islands, magical barriers protecting the city.

Northwest: The Forbidden Woods

Description: A dense, dark forest with towering trees and hidden dangers. The area is filled with ancient magic and protected by druids and magical creatures.
Key Features: Thick canopy, ancient ruins, mystical groves, druid circles.

Northeast: The Crumbling Peaks

Description: Mountainous islands connected by ancient bridges and magic. Rich in minerals and home to the Echoing Halls, a repository of forbidden knowledge.
Key Features: Jagged peaks, ancient bridges, mining outposts, the Echoing Halls.

Southwest: The Ashen Wastes

Description: A barren, grey landscape with treacherous terrain and remnants of ancient battles. Inhabited by mutated creatures and haunted by ghosts.
Key Features: Cracked ground, ancient battlefields, ghostly apparitions, dangerous creatures.

Southeast: The Silverwood

Description: A lush and vibrant elven forest fragment with ancient trees and hidden elven cities. Home to Elder Arannis and other elven sages.
Key Features: Majestic trees, hidden elven cities, magical groves, ancient libraries.

Detailed Map: Havenreach

Central Hub:

Council Hall:
Description: A grand building with tall spires and a large meeting chamber.
Location: Center of Havenreach.
Lady Elara's Tower:
Description: A tall, mystical tower with glowing runes.
Location: Eastern part of Havenreach.

Guard and Guild Areas:

Havenreach Guard Barracks:
Description: A fortified building with training areas.
Location: Western part of Havenreach.
The Seekers' Guild:
Description: A scholarly building filled with books, maps, and ancient artifacts.
Location: Northern part of Havenreach.
The Arcane Brotherhood's Sanctuary:
Description: A hidden building with magical wards.
Location: Northeastern part of Havenreach.

Market and Residential Areas:

Alchemist Liora's Shop:
Description: A small, cluttered shop with shelves of potions and ingredients.
Location: Near the market square.
Thorgar's Smithy:
Description: A forge with a roaring fire and anvil.
Location: Industrial district.
The Dancing Dragon Tavern:
Description: A lively tavern with music, dancing, and a bustling crowd of adventurers.
Location: Near the market square.
The Silver Star Inn:
Description: A quiet, upscale inn with private rooms and a serene garden.
Location: Quieter part of the city.

Creating the Maps

Instructions for a World Map:

Draw the Central Hub: Start with Havenreach in the center. Illustrate it as a floating city with surrounding smaller islands.
Add the Regions:
Northwest: Draw the Forbidden Woods with dense forest symbols and ancient ruins.
Northeast: Sketch the Crumbling Peaks with jagged mountains and bridges.
Southwest: Depict the Ashen Wastes with cracked terrain and ancient battlefields.
Southeast: Illustrate the Silverwood with lush trees and hidden cities.

Instructions for a Havenreach Map:

Draw the Central Hub: Place the Council Hall in the center with roads radiating outward.
Add Key Locations:
East: Place Lady Elara’s Tower.
West: Draw the Havenreach Guard Barracks.
North: Include the Seekers’ Guild.
Northeast: Add the Arcane Brotherhood’s Sanctuary.
Market and Residential Areas:
Near the market square, place Alchemist Liora’s Shop and The Dancing Dragon Tavern.
In the industrial district, add Thorgar’s Smithy.
In a quieter part of the city, draw The Silver Star Inn