Quote Originally Posted by willow73 View Post
Thank you folks, I fully understand! I guess I will try and fiddle around with inkarnate and stuff myself a little, see if I can come up with something passable.

I do hope you don't think I am under-appreciating the work and time it takes to make a map like this! I just figured I'd take a shot, since there are asks for free maps that get posted here.

Unfortunately the (utterly reasonable!) pricing you mentioned is out of my budget at this time, but I thank you for your time in reading and responding to my post!

@mods feel free to close this thread
Inkarnate sounds like a good plan and don't worry, I don't think any of us thought you were underappreciating our work.

Many of us here also sell cartography assets which can usually be used with Inkarnate and other map creation programs, that certainly would be within your budget and could help you create a much more interesting map than just using the default Inkarnate assets.

I'll update the thread to say the project is closed.