Quote Originally Posted by Warerez View Post
Hi there
I am new to this forum and the mapping community as a whole. I started drawing maps about one and half years ago and recently started posting some of my work on Reddit.
Soon after, someone messaged me about doing a commission and I would like to do that. But now I have no idea how to set the price, as I am totally new to it.
I attached an example of my work, DIN A5, physically drawn by hand. The commission should be about 3-4 times that size and beside some places I'd have freedom in design.

As I was doing this solely as a hobby until now I cannot really tell my time or supplies needed because I am often drawing at the side or while drinking coffee.

Now I am completely lost on what price I could set as a newbie. So if someone could share some insight and experience on the topic and give an estimate of what I can charge, I would be very thankful.

(Also advise on the map is welcome of course)
I am not sure that there is one correct method for pricing your work. However, as a general principle, your price should reflect an estimate of how long the map will take you at an hourly rate that you feel justifies you spending the time. For most people, that tends to lead to commission prices in the $200-$1000 range, but these obviously vary widely based on the complexity and style of the map as well as how well established an artist is.