Hi raanrola!

Excellent work you've submitted! This happens to be my absolute favourite style of map, the so-called atlas-style. I highly admire your topography, choice of colours, and the "folded paper" effect which really adds a nice final touch. Did you follow Miguel's process when designing the topography? (I can definitely see you've been tinkering with Wilbur at least.)

The only constructive criticism I could offer is to smooth out your mountain contours, perhaps by adding more layers of elevation. That is, unless you specifically intended to create a "terraced" look. I know there's a tool in Wilbur called "deterrace," but I find it takes too long, especially when you're working with a 21 megapixel file. Not entirely necessary, though, and I think for a first post, this definitely beats my first CG map--by far!

Congrats and keep on mapping!
