Very cool! This is the level of detail I aspire to in worldbuilding projects, and I love the details about the unique climate due to tidal locking and axial tilt. If I have one very minor recommendation it's that the color scheme for the demographic groups and the population density is fairly similar, which was a little confusing when trying to interpret the different colors in the map. It might be a little more readable with two different color schemes.

Regarding land cover, I agree that doing a pattern fill would probably make it too cluttered especially if it was overlaid on one of the other maps. I think the climate map is mostly fine as is, perhaps if you want to make it look fancier you could add a little more detail to the isoclime lines, or perhaps a more granular breakdown of climates (not entirely clear what "stable temperate" means in terms of land cover, though I assume temperate forest). Alternatively you could add a smaller inset with land cover (including agricultural land), or add other colors to your trade and industry map to indicate natural land cover. Just some random thoughts- feel free to ignore!