I haven't done anything with a height map for quite some time. Because busy again and again I return to the tectonic model
I liked the new feature in gplates 2.5.0 that allows you to visually highlight subduction zones.
I added one more, this time I think the last of the unworthy continents with the temporary working name of Ethelba or Sedna
Now my task is to reconstruct the super continent and I may also need to dive into the moment of its formation. Without going into too much detail.
I have noticed that many of my orogenies are too thick and I may have to put them on a diet, reducing the thickness significantly. They also descend too smoothly, I would like more pronounced rises.
A working model of the tetconics of the whole world is beginning to emerge in my mind. Now all the plates are moving at the same speed. I gradually edit it, speeding it up and slowing it down to make it more believable. I still have several difficult areas that I have not yet fully explored. This is a complex region in the center, with rather intricate tectonics. And so far I haven’t slowed down to it. And the South Pole.
Here's a short video on tectonics