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Thread: Introduction

  1. #1

    Default Introduction

    Hello one and all, I came to this forum on accident. I am sure most people do. However, I am fascinated by maps for all types of Role-Play games. NOT Roll play. Roll play is where you just chunk dice a lot. Anyway, I have been gaming for over forty years. I started when I was thirteen, maybe even younger. I used to draw maps on graph paper, I still do. I do use hex paper as well but my preferred paper is graph. First I draw them in pencil until I get what I want. Then, I usually ink them in after that.

    At one time, when I was going to conventions A LOT A LOT, I would purchase a booth and sell my maps. I had all kinds. Forest, city, sewer, kingdom, dungeon, river system, and probably others. I sold them back in 86 for real cash. $15 per map. They were unique one of a kind maps. I never photocopied them. I loved it. THEN, (cue scary music) life happened. I grew up. Went to college, then the university. Then grad school. I ended up a theoretician. Now that my son is old enough to start Role-Playing, I have started drawing again.

    I don't do accurate geographical maps. A blob-circle is good enough for mountains. A shaded area is good enough for a forest. However, as we play, and the world grows, I am refining the maps. They are getting to look more like what I used to make. I guess the map fever has gripped me again.

    So, anyway, I am a hobby mapmaker at best. Still, love to make them.

    Heck, back in the early 80s when computer games were fun and actually had good story lines, Now the game makers rely too heavily on flash and glitz, I would actually map out the games.

    Fun story. I tried to map out pit fall and found out that it is a never ending map. But I did manage to map out Autodule, Ultima I, II, and III. Wasteland, and other games. Anyone remember Masters of Orion? That was probably the only time I made a space map.

    I have been a gamer so long that I moved into the back end of it. I worked with a few board game makers and a couple of role-play game makers as well. Never got paid for those gigs. But their end products never got off the ground.

    Maybe, I will start making again and go to cons. Who knows.

    All I know is that I am having a blast Role-Playing again. AD&D 1st ed.

    I may reach out to one of yall and see if you are up to the challenge of making me a world map.

    Is there a commission page on the forums where people display their work and say they are willing to work with you to generate a map? Just wondering.

    I probably won't be on very much. I am a professor and get real busy. But I will swing by from time to time. Heck, I may even blop a map down...or two.


  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome to the guild. Always good to see long time gamers. I liked AD&D 2ed best even tho it had a few flaws.

    Post anything finished in the finished maps section and you can ask or reply with offers in the Mapmaking requests area if you are into commissions. Having a few finished maps shows your style and ability. Its probably a good idea to take some of those attachments and make an album for people to have a look at if your after doing commissions. If your after people making a map for you as a commission then that requests area is the ticket. Have a look at the sticky post at the top of the board and post up requests. You can post unpaid or paid for commission requests or just ask if anybody is willing to help out with your mapping region.

    Is a theoretician someone in philosophy or something else like math or physics ?

  3. #3

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