I've been remiss in commenting on this but it looks amazing! Echoing your comment on my own thread it's so cool to see this progress from essentially scratch to a full-on world map. Do you think you'll do bathymetry as well?

If I have one critique of the geology/topography it would be that the mountain ranges seem to rise quite precipitously in some spots to the extent that it seems like the topography cuts off abruptly at the coast (thinking mainly of the coastal mountain chains on your two western continents). Looking at the older elevation maps it seems that might be an issue of the shading rather than the actual topography, but it might look a bit more "natural" with some extra coastal plains in certain areas. Adding a narrow stroke along the coastlines might also help set apart the land areas a little bit. The color scheme is also rather dark to the extent that it's hard to make out some island areas, but I think that's mostly due to the shade of the oceans, which I expect will be modified at some point.

Overall it looks amazing! Really impressed at the realism and absurd level of detail in the topography, since I know how much work that requires even using Wilbur. Can't wait to see even more of this!