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Thread: World Map for D&D Homebrewed World

  1. #1

    Default World Map for D&D Homebrewed World

    Hey all! A couple of larger mapmakers have referred me to here as a good place to hook up with someone. Here is what I am looking for in general terms:

    To Start:

    3 Continents Full Color. This is a full world, but there are two other continents in a lower layer that may provide additional paid work in the future, for the time being thing of the globe as just the three main continents. I'll attach an image of what I made in hexographer so you can see the basics. I am most definitely not an artist. Creative yes, artistic? Not so much.

    Scale: Well I think whatever is appropriate. Not being a mapmaker myself, stuff like that is hard for me to guess. I can say that my intent is for the map to have a final size of 24x36.
    Payment: I'm looking in and around the 350 range max (thats sadly all I can afford) I can do a single payment if its under 200 or I can make two payments if its over that.
    Time Frame: Completely flexible within reason. The new campaign for this world (this is the third one I have run in this world and I've been running in this world for about 9 years now) is starting this coming Sunday, so there is no rush to get a world map out. They are starting at level 1 so I wouldn't think they will be venturing out too far until at least early 2025.
    Configuration: I have a number of set locations, and biomes, some will be obvious via the hex map. But within those loose generalizations of the biome you have freedom to add whatever details move you.
    Style: I am not tied down to any particular style but I'm a huge fan of Deven Rue's Maps so in so much as that is a "style" that might be along the lines. But I'm willing to check out anyone's previous work to see if it clicks.

    Please provide some examples of your work and hopefully we can start a partnership that will lead to this and more work down the road.

    -KhellendrossXellos Full.png

  2. #2


    I should also add that it is very possible that if I really like the art (I may be willing to work out a way to go beyond that 350 mark). I have put an insane amount of time into my world (Xellos) and as long as I can afford to do so I am very serious about getting a map done that reflects that level of commitment. Here is a link to all the zone descriptions, with whoever I decide to collaborate with I'll likely make a truncated version of this cause I know not everyone is down to read a multipage world overview. But my world anvil in general I think speaks to how serious I am about this.

  3. #3


    Hey there, you may be interested in what I do! The budget is smaller than what I'm used to working with but I feel like this is something we could work out. Feel free to email me if you're interested.
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