Oh, one other thing, historically 20 acres was considered to be required to comfortably feed a family, so it actually required a huge amount of acreage to feed the population. This is another area where fantasy deviates quite significantly from reality. Historically, in medieval times Europe had a population of ~70 million people (it depends on the year) but 95% of them lived in hamlets or villages of 50-200 people. Basically, most of the population was focused on growing food, and that was by far the dominant profession and the dominant use of land. In fantasy settings, the amount of land devoted to farming tends to be dramatically below what would have been required in actuality.

However, the fantasy genre, whether RPGs or stories, can be seen more as modern life re-imagined as being with lesser technology and (usually) magic, etc. Actual historical accuracy is quite poor, but it's also not really expected for the genre. So if you're going for a fantasy village I'd say your current map is already fine as is. Let me also add that artistically/aesthetically I think you've done an impressive job.