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Thread: Rexendell and Krawdoth, my D&D setting

  1. #1

    Map Rexendell and Krawdoth, my D&D setting

    Rexendell Krawdoth HD (1).jpg

    Hello! In may I posted my D&D setting made in wonderdraft, and the other day I found a great tutorial for making maps in photoshop called Saderan, and decided to try it out on my setting. I thought it didn't look half bad, so I wanted to share! I used the labels and routes from wonderdraft to save some time, hope you enjoy!

    Btw, the map has been upscaled using AI in order to make the writing possible to read.

  2. #2
    Guild Member
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    May 2006
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    1. Your choice of colors for your lettering and its outlines are problematic, visually, due to contrast deficiencies.

    2. Your coastlines could benefit enormously from making them more visually prominent, whether by making them thicker, wide, or more visually bold by selecting a darker color.

    3. The shape of your land masses isn't bad.

    4. The Eternal Maelstrom is a visual eyesore, as currently depicted. It's bold white color, and it's isolation, with such huge seas running the length of the map, renders it a visual oddity. It looks out of place, and it looks relatively small, compared to the size of the landmass nearest it.

    5. That map key on the left hand size looks underwhelming.

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