Thanks. My app is sort of a terrain simulator. It has an emphasis on modeling water so that it can place down where the rivers are but its about progressing the terrain into the most realistic that I can get it to and spitting out image maps containing as much info about it as I can squeeze so that I have a load of source maps for the texturer.

It works by having an array of pixels each with a few parameters. Currently its height, fluid, sediment, some flow params, vegetation, temperature, distance, and some flags. The fluid can be water, ice or lava and there are a whole load of params acting on stuff overall. Theres some more param maps as well such as a temperature bias and rainfall then we can isolate some areas and have more or less rain there.

The general thrust of it is that you use the rain and snowfall to dump extra water onto the pixel and then move the fluids around based on the terrain gradient at that pixel. If you have too much gradient then you can erode the cliff directly and move a bit of the height to its neighbouring pixel.

As water flows over some height and erodes it away, you add the eroded amount to the sediment value. When the water is slow moving and deep you drop out sediment and add it back to the height at the new location.

Where its warm enough and not too high an altitude and has a little bit of water but not too much it grows veg. If its too dry or too wet the veg dies off. When you have veg growing then it sucks up a little of the water and also drops out a tiny bit of height for the vegetation rotting down.

If the temperature is below zero then it marks the pixel as ice and uses ice flow params. If that pixel with ice gets too warm it melts and converts to water and then uses water flow params. Ice doesn't flow too quickly but water does. As water flows it carries some temperature with it so its possible to have glaciers lower down the slope of a mountain than the basic altitude cooling would have formed it directly. If lava gets too cold it turns it all into height. Lava is only created via an image map of lava sources.

It's just lots and lots of that processing going on for every pixel over and over. It takes a while to run and consumes a lot of CPU time but it runs on many cores of a CPU so if you have 8 or 16 then it goes faster than 1 or 2. Each pixel of terrain is independent of all of the others except that it takes in and dumps off amounts to its neighbours. So you can break up the map into bits and process a bit per CPU core. Ideally it should run on the GPU then it would go a lot faster as you might have 8 powerful CPU cores or 1024 simple GPU cores to do it with and this processing is pretty simple really so it would work well on a GPU. It would be awesome to get the feedback to your parameter twiddles in real time. You could home in on your desired type of terrain climate quite easily.

But as you can imagine, it can easily get out of hand. A bit too dry and all the veg dies and you have a desert. Too much rain and your waterlogged all over the map. So its a lot of trial and error and may runs tweaking parameters until you get it just right. The real world has better feedback control and will sort itself out better than this app does. With all of this climate change stuff they keep saying the earth will die but that's ridiculous. The earth will be just fine. Its all of us humans who have adapted to just the right levels of oxygen, temperature, rain etc that will die and all of the other lifeforms that we are symbiotic with dying that will cause us the grief. A new evolution of life form will adapt to the new values and live quite happily with its newly adapted symbiotic lifeforms.

This app does not model wind nor tides. When water hits the sea its taken out of the processing so a tiny spot of sea can look odd. It only stores values as a vertical stack up on the pixel, so no caves or undercuts. There is only height - not rock types and strata. I don't erode sideways or have many effects that one pixel affects another. I don't model water pressure erosion and, well, there's a million other simplifications to whats happening in the real world. A pixel is often about 10m x 10m and one processing step is like several years of time. And water viscosity is way lower than I can get processed. Its trying to be realistic but in all honesty it just cant be anything close.

It all runs on the command line and has no user interface other than text. It so bad that quite often I need to get the code debugger out and print out just why its doing what it does because I don't understand what the hell its doing ! So its not for the feint hearted...and I have a bit of a love hate relationship with it.

So that's it in a nutshell.

Looking at the map I keep looking at the middle bit of it. The top left and top right have too many mountains and the bottom has too much sea - esp since its a bit featureless. So I cut off a bit of border to it. And I ran the original shape image into my "Put a ring on it" processing (see sig) and got some wave patterns out of that. I touched that up manually so that bays and inlets wont have big waves hitting it. Then added that to the texture engine.

I rather like this as an image but I don't know what to do to proceed to make it into a useful map. I am not sure whether to go with a 3D map which would be nice to look at but lower res. Or keep with the 2D one with all of its detail. And I am not sure whether I should take this terrain and reprogram the texturer to serve up an olde parchement map with ink lines for all of the bits. That would be more in keeping with the wrecks title. But it could be that its a modern map of WWII or similar battle naval wrecks. It would seem a waste to throw most of the nice colour and 3D effects into the bin to make an atlas style of map. Maybe I do a map which has the realistic and archaic style side by side.

### Latest WIP ###
ColourLandMiddle1.jpg ColourLandMiddle3D_1.jpg