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Thread: Middle-earth

  1. #11
    Guild Journeyer
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    No, worries mate. None offense taken

  2. #12
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strigunart View Post
    No, worries mate. None offense taken
    No worries here. I didn't think you were upset. I just don't know why that other guy had to go the route he did. Some people just need to be in a fight I guess.

  3. #13
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    We all cool then ? Ok. No worries. Lets move on from the comments about comments. I don't think any offense was meant all around, its just the usual - typed characters on a forum don't translate nuance and tone very well in the way intended - situation once again.

  4. #14
    Guild Member
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    1. The use of watermarks is taken to the point of excess. It's a huge distraction to the eye, when trying to browse the map and allow it to visually soak in. It's really not a good way to showcase art.

    2. The border of the map, which is comprised of many different individual images which draw the eye away from the map, itself, even though they individually look quite nice, they end up showcasing themselves, better than they showcase the map. They crowd the eye out, transmogrifying the map, itself, into a secondary visual consideration. It's a great example of how more is not always better. They simply overwhelm the eye, and they're more detailed than the map, itself. They make the map feel visually cramped.

    3. All of the effort that those map border images demonstrate is nowhere to be found, where this map's compass rose is concerned.

    4. The red lettering certainly stands out - but it just adds to the overall feeling of too much visual pollution.

    5. I do like the black lettering where it says The Realm of Middle Earth.

    6. Certain visual ornaments on the map, such as the dragon and what I am guessing is a bear, do not rise to the level of artistic detail that the overpopulated border image collection does. When you choose to combine detailed artistry with considerably more subdued imagery, it creates a visual conflict which, for this particular map, truncates the art of the map, itself.

    7. When I just sit and stare at this map, I mostly just shake my head, and my eyes don't find any reason to just sit awhile and enjoy what should be the beauty of this map. It as less to do with your artistic or cartographic abilities, than it has to do with various choices that you made that compete for the eye's attention. They just strike me as really odd choices, and they detract from the map more than they add to it.

    8. A photo that was taken of this map dated June 30, 2024 on your Facebook page, and without the overabundance of watermarks, reveals a much cleaner looking version of this Middle-earth map.

    9. This is not a better map than at least several other of your maps that are on display on your Facebook page. That said, most of then reinforce your penchant for watermarks. Perhaps you're paranoid that someone is going to "steal" your art, but watermarks really negatively impact the art viewing experience. As a comparison to this map of Middle-earth, your map of Numenor has a much nicer looking border. It visually compliments that piece, unlike your art-laden border in this map. And your Bag End map utilized one majored detailed artistic visual compliment in the form of that grand hobbit house that you drew at the bottom of that map. That is a vastly better approach than saddling a map with almost thirty individual art pieces, all of which are far more detailed than what should be the primary piece of art in question - namely, the map, itself.

    10. You're not a bad artist, but you're really robbing yourself and your art, with certain conscious choices that you make. Fantasy cartography is an art form unto itself, but this particular map of Middle-earth is a quintessential exercise in overdressing. Why bury an attractive woman with excessive layers of visual distractions.

    11. In general, of the many different maps on display on your Facebook page, I think that your maps in color are far more attractive than your gray scale maps that are on display. Your eye for color is far and away more developed than your eye for lettering. That said, your lettering at its best is some fairly nice work, but it's not as consistently strong as your color skill set. I think that, in your particular case, it has to do with your focus, or lack thereof.

    12. All things considered, this particular piece showcases the variety of your artistic talents, overall, far more so than it showcases your cartographic skills. I don't hate this particular Middle-earth map, but neither do I love it. My eyes struggle to just sit and enjoy what it brings to the table, visually.

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