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Thread: November/December 2024 Challenge: The archipelago of endless wrecks

  1. #21
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Thanks Chashio, I like that sci fi thing going on. But I have come up with a good idea which is fantasy but does have the side by side effect. But not quite side by side, more foreground background sort of thing. A bit hard to pull off but I think I can do it.

    The real time thing is a nice thought but a bit of a pipe dream I think. But would that ever make it easier to use...

    I have been continuing. I kinda like this new map style and I can keep the realistic in reserve for later.

    I wrote a few scripts to turn a text list of place names into the text using a font. I did this using image magick which is a very cool utility and you get it for windows and linux so thats nice. Another text based thing tho so no UI on it. But it does render out text very nice with antialiasing and it looks smooth with no jaggies.

    Also, I have been grabbing some icons off the web as public domain images and used them to set out the locations.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    No idea why I include a 3D view any more but it gives some idea about where I have placed the villages and other icons with respect to the heights. Aww heck, it just looks nice !!!


    I still have to label a lot more villages and places before the map is done.

  2. #22
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Oh dang, I REALLY like that latest 3D version! Looks fantastic. Maybe instead of placing the labels and then '3D-ing' it, add the labels after, so they pop out from the map a bit?

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