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Thread: Clearwood

  1. #1

    Default Clearwood


    Something new this time. It is my first real attempt at drawing 19th century US city. It is for new Polish rpg game.
    Fineliners on paper + gimp after scan.

    Clearwood low fb.jpg

    1 Thorne and Sons Bank
    2 Clearwood railway station
    3. Harper Hotel
    4 Town Hall
    5. Post office
    6. Sheriff's office M.Wilson
    7. Office of M. Wilson
    8. Saloon
    9. St Cyril's Church
    10. Clearwood Courier Newspaper
    11. Stagecoach station
    12 Lydia's House
    13 The Gentlemen's Club
    14. the J. McCord farm
    15 Fort Nelson
    16 Gravedigger
    17. Railway workers' camp
    18. Pharmacy V. Gillcrest
    19. Gun shop A. Rowland
    20. Shop L. Barnes
    21. Stables Z. Whitelock
    22. Distillery Tomson
    23. Locomotive shed
    24. Warehouses L. Dawson
    25. Depots T. Dixon
    26. Indian Affairs Office
    27. Silver Lake Station N. Crummey
    28. Interpreter's Office
    29. Dryers Z. Wilson
    30. Hotel P. Sinclair
    31. Hunter's House
    32. Farm R. Patterson
    33. Estate K. Brannon
    34. Union Army Camp
    35. H. Davison Stables
    36. Study R. Dickson
    37. Loans J. McDaniel
    38. S. Erwin's Leather Works
    39. McCanless Casino
    40. Caldwell Gunsmithing Shop
    Last edited by PlanJanusza; Yesterday at 08:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Holy... ! That is really great, man! I can't believe every single family's house is named.

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