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Thread: [World of Nerrac] The Eastern Islands - Series

  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer Eld's Avatar
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    Feb 2013

    Wip [World of Nerrac] The Eastern Islands - Series

    Hey ho!

    While the main map of my world is still very slowly progressing (as seen in the other thread about the main continent Adaichin), I started a series of smaller projects to keep me motivated and to try out new features and styles.

    The Eastern Islands Series

    Long ago I decided to map the countries of my world en large after finishing the map of the continent. As stated above, I will rather work on it simultaneously so I could switch back and forth between large and small scoped worldbuilding. Maybe that way I can get at least some things done...

    Part of that approach shall be a series of maps depicting island groups that are either part of the realms of Adaichin or independent realms of their own.

    Nerrac Continental Map WIP-24-12-07 IslandgroupMaps.jpg

    This first map shows the areas I plan to map in this series, marked in red boxes. The biggest area with the Kingdom of Serghal shall be divided into several maps, shown by the white boxes.

    Aradia WIP1 small.png

    The island group of the Aradian Islands is part of the Kingdom of Serghal yet used to be an independent realm and still the people are not overly happy to be ruled by their neighbours. They have their own language and culture and the lords of the Aradian Islands are infamous pirates - at least whenever the far away king doesn't look closely.
    Style-wise I consider to test a new way of drawing my mountains.

    Nisais WIP2.png

    The Nisais Islands are much closer to the mainland than the Aradian Islands and Serghalesian rule is firmly established. The proximity to the mainland however means they are also heavily influenced by the Nazcenorian religion and culture, much to the disapproval of the Serghalesian church. Being a region of mixed cultural influences also provided the opportunity for an independent academy to form that could operate free from church doctrine. This academy will function as starting point for my literary journeys into Nerrac.
    Here I tested a technique to draw cliffs.

    Thanks to all for taking a look and as always feel free to leave a comment, a suggestion or whatelse!


  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer Eld's Avatar
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    Feb 2013


    Here a first update for the Aradian islands. Trying another style for the mountains and erased the vertical lines on the cliffs for a cleaner appearance and ease of work.
    As these are my first steps with the "new" mountains, I'd appreciate feedback very much.

    Aradia WIP2 small.png

  3. #3
    Guild Adept Peter Toth's Avatar
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    Port Development, British Columbia, Canada


    Although both styles of mountains are great choices, my preference is leaning towards the style in the above (newer) post. Perhaps several vertical lines of this style, woven together, could be reminiscent of some Earthlike mountains such as the Andes.

    Overall your choice of colour is great and I admire your attention to detail. I look forward to see the World of Nerrac progress further!

    Last edited by Peter Toth; 12-17-2024 at 09:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer Eld's Avatar
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    Feb 2013


    @Peter Toth, thank you! I just love me some dark blue and the bright brown/golden land makes a rather pleasing contrast.

    After some long hours I almost completed the mountains on the Aradian islands. I'm quite pleased how it turned out. I consider redoing the mountains on the Nisais islands the same way.

    Aradia WIP4 small.png
    Last edited by Eld; 12-20-2024 at 03:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Those mountains do look pretty great!

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