Wow, I'm loving the coastlines!
I am posting this as motivation to make sure I finish this time. I have chosen a small area that I thought had a nice shape for a large island.
Screenshot 2024-11-19 080401.png
Here is what I have so far:
Screenshot 2024-11-19 080317.png
### Latest WIP ###
Wow, I'm loving the coastlines!
I have made some progress on the mountains and hills...
Screenshot 2024-11-20 221552.png
### Latest WIP ###
Love the choice of texture for the background, love the texture echo on the coastlines and I really love your mountains. This is gonnna be a looker !
Thank you very much!
Latest update.
Screenshot 2024-11-24 112246.png
### Latest WIP ###
Last edited by Turambar; 11-24-2024 at 01:31 PM.
Getting close to finished on this one....
output-onlinejpgtools (13).jpg
### Latest WIP ###
output-onlinejpgtools (15).jpg
And here we go! I think I can call this one done, unless I think of any additional things to add. As you may be able to tell I took some stylistic inspiration from several fellow Guild members much more skilled than I (especially Misty Beee, Kellerica, Thomas Rey).
### Latest WIP ###
Very nice. I like the shape of the landmass, I think it looks very organic. The colour palette is also quite nice.
View my map and asset packs on CartographyAssets or DrivethruRPG. Support my work on Patreon. Take a look at my work on my Website or Instagram.
Wait! Wasn't the odd color palette challenge a few months back?
Looking good. There is a lot to be said about simpler (as in not crazy busy/cluttered) maps like this. Nicely executed.
One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.
Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
Current Main Challenge WIP : None
Completed Maps : Various Challenges