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Thread: Jan/Feb 2025 Challenge: Dungeon Redo: Halls of Symmetry

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  1. #1
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Elderly Cartographer View Post
    Looks great!
    I don't know if it is too late to do anything about, but the serpent statue and altar thingy in the pool are a little to the left of center. It is not a big deal though.

    Question: What is the throne in the top-left chamber passed the west tombs? Does it portal you elsewhere? Or is it a garderobe? If so... why, sir, be so mean as to hide it behind a secret door? Don't you know that even adventures sometimes need to use the "facilities" while on the job? Have a heart, man!
    Good catch, I centered the serpent statue and the altar with the central hallway.
    The two secret rooms in the upper right and left each have a large stone chair. (Sorry, not a garderobe, although, that would have been funny.) Seated on each seat is a "Crypt Thing", an undead guardian. If the party should start defiling the coffins, it will come out and defend them. If the party doesn't touch the coffins but opens the secret door, the Crypt thing might ignore them and sit motionless, or it might engage them in conversation, possibly answering a couple questions.

    Here is the updated map with the original attached for comparison. There are some minor differences.
    ### Latest WIP ###
    Halls of Symmetry-Origin-Final.jpg

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
    Good catch, I centered the serpent statue and the altar with the central hallway.
    The two secret rooms in the upper right and left each have a large stone chair. (Sorry, not a garderobe, although, that would have been funny.) Seated on each seat is a "Crypt Thing", an undead guardian. If the party should start defiling the coffins, it will come out and defend them. If the party doesn't touch the coffins but opens the secret door, the Crypt thing might ignore them and sit motionless, or it might engage them in conversation, possibly answering a couple questions.
    That looks better.

    Eww, gross! Imagine looting coffins of all their ancient riches. It's quiet and your ears are ringing then suddenly KROOOM! a stone door slides opens behind you. You turn and there it is!

    No... I don't think I'll be vacationing in your Halls of Symmetry this summer.

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