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  1. #1
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    wow what a coincidence, that's twice that word was used today: doppleganger: once by a hip hop rapsta, the other by a s**t hot mapsta.

    Yeh you're right Joe of course, well that kind of tweaking is for ME-DEM rather than the compo entry. We can only do so much on a v.1.0 but by the stars we have a v1.0!!! How does that feel...? SMOKIN!!!!


    Last edited by monks; 01-24-2009 at 08:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    Robes about the extents. We've been working with half scale in Global Mapper due to Seer not being able to output the dem + topos at full res on his old comp. Seer has handled most of the GM stuff. We went to half res a while back. It doesn't affect the ME-DEM core data in any way since the contours that generate the dem are all vectors. We have plenty of full res topos lying around as well should we need to re-rectify to a full res GM workspace.


  3. #3
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    yaa, my borrowed laptop was a bit underpowered, I always thought it had 1 gig of memory as it could open a 10k topo and a 10k dem, but not a 20k anything,,,,had a look under the hood the other day, it only had 512k memory (reported 456 though) , and 7 year old memory at that,,,,GM must have some good memory handling tucked in the code..
    My new, interim (before I give it to the kids) laptop is 3 gig, runs nice and smooth, its so quiet when running I begin to think it has died, the old one sounded like a Vulcan Bomber on take off when rendering with terragen.
    I have World Wind set up, just have to get my MS expression disks from Carol and I can whip up a Gmap, test the xml, and cut tiles,,, and catch up on the CWBP maps for Inspired Cartography...

    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    I think it's about time we had some new graphics on the ME-DEM page. We can take the new stuff from this terrain 1.0 run. As soon as Oshyan gets the 1.5 install up we can launch the terrain 1.0.
    Ha! Yep GM must have some swanky mem handling- that's an understatement.

    This is really basic texturing in WM...STILL cannot get those glaciers right...doing my head in...nice effect from a distance tho! I should say that this has been posted in PS.

    Last edited by monks; 01-26-2009 at 03:17 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    omg, Im really moved. I'm so proud of this project and so grateful to have hooked up with such a great bunch of guys.

    The Road goes ever on and on
    Down from the door where it began.
    Now far ahead the Road has gone,
    And I must follow, if I can,
    Pursuing it with eager feet,
    Until it joins some larger way
    Where many paths and errands meet.
    And whither then? I cannot say.


  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I just got that last WIP in for the compo but whether it wins is not important to me. Just to be able to say there it is we have something tangible to show is really something. Feels like a big weight lifted off. Like sitting down on an enormous plateau after climbing a steep cliff for a long time. Still plenty to do of course but for now I am just going to absorb the rays and stop for a while...

    I'll have to get you the build files and some of the mods for them I did tonight. Really pleased with how the tools have handled it actually. Its been steaming away with all cores going full tilt for days and its not even so much as flinched at all. Not going to say its bug free cos every time I do something new with it another pops out but the core stuff must be pretty clean now. Sorta feel like a 40K is not beyond it or my machines capabilities any more. Its good that the veg got fixed up too cos to have one script that must grow veg over ice caps to deserts and all in between is pretty good - I had my doubts that it was going to do that. I still have my doubts whether it can do that for the water / rivers too but we haven't half been thrown some barriers to hurdle and so far nothing has been a show stopper so gotta think positive about it.

    So do you think that Osh might want to throw TG2 at it now

  7. #7
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    Yeh, simple as that really. I do actually feel like a sense of satisfaction- didn't expect to even ha!


    Yep, 40K...oooh. Makefile is pretty damn cool eh?
    We're still not entirely sure about rivers, but it's the journey, not a destination if you know what I mean. Well, we should run and see at some point soon. I'd like to see a render of a subset at high res- that'd be interesting- maybe a 20K Misty quad. Lots of ideas anyway.

    Oh well....not sure about that. I just don't think he personally has the time. I'll give it a go though and I think Seer would be up for it. I'll ask Osh anyway once I get the next update out.
    I'd like to see a link between GTS and TG, but you've got to know that you're actually going to get some renders for all that coding work. Like I say I'l take it up with Osh.


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