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Thread: README: Mapping Challenge Rules

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  1. #11

    Post Yes, but...

    Back in the early days, lots of people voted for themselves - all members get to vote on the challenge whether they are participants or not.

    Now a days, its pretty rare for someone to vote for themselves, except the newbies who don't get it. These days we do multi-voting, that is you get 1 vote for every 5 participants. Since we had a couple drop-outs this month it may be only 18 participants, so that would give each voter 3 votes. Multi-voting also posts who votes for whom. Because of this, most don't vote for themselves - everyone gets to see whether they do this or not.

    Its not against the rules to vote for yourself, but as a practice most consider this a bit tacky. There are enough voters, usually, so that the fact you don't vote for yourself, won't affect voting, as the best maps always gets the most votes.

    In other words, voting is seldom very close - the winner usually has a large margin ahead of second place. Though that's not always true. Last month we had a tie for first place (and I will print more than one map, if there is a tie again, this month!)

    Hoel, I'd say, don't vote for yourself - vote for your favorite 3 beyond yourself and if the community thinks you should win - you will.

    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 01-25-2009 at 03:37 PM.
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