Then of course, the exception to the rule, there's me and Xara.

Since Xara, though primarily a vector application has some hybrid raster operations built within it. I (as I always say) use Xara almost exclusively.

The question would be when do I use raster? Sometimes a texture is not condusive to my goals, so I image edit in PS or GIMP. I clean up images, alter colors, use cloner brushes to fix details. If I use 3D objects, which are rasterized before using them further, I do the fixes in PS/GIMP.

I almost never bring a map back into PS/GIMP to finish it. All compositing, texture filling, not to mention grids and labels are all done in vector.

I don't think I would ever totally create a map in GIMP - not my aesthetic or preferred method of operation.

I would like to learn to create bump maps better in GIMP, then I'd finish my maps by doing that - but that's the only thing I can think of to use GIMP as my final step in creating a map.