Really nice, Roger! It wouldn't be a traveller map without the hexes, although i might be tempted to make the line width a little thinner.
Traveller stats: Hnaar (Tehaina I Gamma)/2533 Yahehwe - A969641-B M In Ri M9 vi
Constructed via Fractal Terrains, exported as an FT-shape (GURPS Traveller-compatible) Icosahedron, then chopped up and reassembled in Paint Shop Pro to reshape it to a MegaTraveller-compatible Icosahedron, then linked into the Traveller map template in CC2, and exported as a 700 px-wide JPEG.
Next stages:
Repeat process for all the other map styles (Temperature, climate, rainfall, & altitude).
Then take Gaia-level map in CC and paste appropriate Cosmographer Pro terrain symbols over the top and export to Jpeg.
First questions...
Does the hexmap of Hnaar as it currently stands look OK to you?
If not, what could be improved?
I cannot embed the base bitmap image, it's too large. ProFantasy have yet to state what the embedded file size limitation is, but chances are it's ridiculously small.
If you want to play with the Fractal Terrains FCW file, let me know and I'll post it here. I rather like the current shape of the continents and overall terrain, but improvements in the detail of the terrain, or descriptions on how I can do this myself, are more than welcome
Any other constructive critique is very very welcome, of course
EDIT: and yes, I've only just noticed the island on the right edge has it's edge chopped off, dammit! I'll fix that and report the image tomorrow. I gotta hit the sack now, I'm on early shift in the morning!
Last edited by RogerStenning; 01-30-2009 at 06:04 PM.
Landgrab website: Strouden - Spinward Marches 2327
Really nice, Roger! It wouldn't be a traveller map without the hexes, although i might be tempted to make the line width a little thinner.
Hmm... I'm not at all sure I CAN adjust the line thickness of those lines...
First off, I'm fairly new to Campaign Cartographer, and "Windows Intuitive" it most definitely is not!
Secondly, it took me a while just to figure out how to change the text! Imagine how long it'll take to figure out how to do those lines - in addition, I think they're already at 1px thickness already - any thinner and they may well be invisibubble
Third - While I'm assuming you mean the hex thickness, you forgot to say which lines - the hexes, tropics (red lines), map borders, etc?
Landgrab website: Strouden - Spinward Marches 2327
OK, versions two and three... granted it's a tad early for feedback from the last post, but hey, I was on a roll before naffing off to work this morning, and I wanted to fix that darn chopped off island, anyhow
Gaia map version two...
and Traveller map version one...
This version of the map was constructed over the Gaia map, using the Cosmographer planetary (Traveller) symbols, then exported to JPEG and the background edited in Paint Shop Pro, for use on the planetary website that's currently under construction.
Comments suggestions constructive critique all readily welcomed and accepted![]()
Last edited by RogerStenning; 01-31-2009 at 05:44 AM.
Landgrab website: Strouden - Spinward Marches 2327
I really like the first map, though the white hexes kind of overpower everything else, maybe lower the opacity or change the color to something more 'muted'. *shrugs*
...just a thought
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Second SG there. The hexlines are too much
OK, thanks guys. That's gonna be an interesting learning curve to do that task
Here's why...
The maps of Hnaar will use the same hex grid, with each map visible as a different layer, thus keeping file management as simple as possible.
Unlike, for example, Fireworks, where layer management is a dead easy task to maintain with floating dialogue boxes in plain view, using CC to manage layers is a task and a half, as you have to open a dialogue box every time you want to manage the layers.
In addition, being new to CC, I have to figure out what the heck I'm doing each time I do something, just in case I mess it up!
This might take a little while to sort out... be patient please![]()
Landgrab website: Strouden - Spinward Marches 2327
OK, figured it out
Gaia map version three...
and Traveller map version two...
Note that the hex grid colour has. indeed, been changed, as suggested. I went for a mid-blue colour: Enough to partially hide it against the oceans, but enough to keep it reasonably revealed on land and icecaps in both the Gaia and symbol versions of the map.
Landgrab website: Strouden - Spinward Marches 2327
Very nice, the land masses are now the center of attention rather than the hexgrid.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
gaia map ones are frankly a tad dark for my taste, but there y'go, compromises and all that stuff *shrug*
Landgrab website: Strouden - Spinward Marches 2327