First let me say I love my Wacom tablet. I've got an older Intuos 6x8. I've had it, over 8 years I think. I'm sure I don't use it as much as I should, but Photoshop et al. has always been my hobby, not my job. So i don't feel guilty. And when I do reach for it, I love the versatility. Anyway, I've always thought the Cintiq line is just amazing. I'm in a position now where I could actually get one. It certainly isn't anything I "need" but then neither is the other tablet. I'm just curious if anyone here has any experience really using one. How do you like it? Good stuff, bad stuff? etc etc
My Finished Maps
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My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
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I have lusted after one forever, which is strange, as I can't draw.
I do have one and it is absolutely the greatest thing in the world. I would whole heartedly recommend it to you. Just make sure that you can get a good angle on have to adjust some of your normal ergonomics, which kinda makes it suck at first but if you stick with it, its awesome. I've actually worked my way nto a configuration where my second monitor is above the from the side it looks like this:
With the underline being the keyboard and the slashes are my two monitors...cintiq on the bottom.
I could not possibly recommend a Cintiq. Stay away from them!
The colour of this text probably tells you why I say this. :0
That's an interesting setup Arcana. I have two monitors (just regular old monitors) setup like that now. A 24" wide on the bottom with a 20" wide above it on a protracted arm. I think I'd like to use the Cintiq mostly on my lap... I never considered this sort of "easel" setup below the monitor. Hmmm...
I'll try and get a photo monday.
PM sent to you JFJohnny5.
Here's my pretty good.