Well done! Keep it up!
Hi Neon,
I think you deserve some big cheering by the forum people!!
Thanks again!
Well done! Keep it up!
Your map really helped my players out. They were very confused by my original map and yours helped put everything into context (especially two particularly nasty places there). Helped their tactics a lot and they were really happy with the maps size. Definitely getting some more of these printed out for key locations (or just places I find awkward to draw). You've done some great work here.
I just found this website and I wanted to tell you, NeonKnight, how totally awesome you are for doing all this work, and making it available to the public.
My group is most of the way through H2 at this point, and I've been scanning and photoshopping for ever it seems. :-)
These maps are awesome, I used them last Friday for the first time and my players really love them.
I'm looking forward to the rest of this module's maps, and then ones for the next in the series, P1. I do hope your group is moving on to that module as well. :-)
I used a couple of your maps yesterday, and they where a huge success! Thanks so much, no longer will my limited skills with a marker hinder the D&D experience :p
This is an amazing set, Sir Knight.
May I ask how you did the lightning? I do not think I remember this from the standard symbol set...
Ah, the lightning.
Actually it is quite simple:
1: I created a sheet I called LIGHTNING (I know pretty sneaky huh)
2: Chose color 143 for the lightning, changed my line thickness to 0.3 and used the Fractalize path tool to just draw some lines, which I converted to curved lines with the FRACTALIZE TOOL: STRAIGHT TO SMOOTH. Changing the line thickness to smaller witdths I drew other lines as well.
3. I then opened the SHEET EFFECT tool and for the lightning made the following effects:
GLOW 1: Mode Outside, Color R255, G240, B155, Strength 1, Blur 1
GLOW 2: Mode Inside, Color R 255, G 255, B 0, Strength 1, Blur 0.1
GLOW 3: Mode Outside, Color R254, G 37, B 31, Strength 1 Blur 1
Just playing with these options you could make a mondo cool Whitish BLUE lightning:
MAIN COLOR: 15 (White)
GLOW 1: Mode Outside, Color R 26, G 16, B 227, Strength 1, Blur 1
GLOW 2: Mode Inside, Color R 104, G 95, B 255, Strength 1, Blur 0.1
GLOW 3: Mode Outside, Color R10, G 223, B 255, Strength 1 Blur 1
So, I cannot suggest this enough. Play with the SHEET effects. They are cool, and can do some awesome stuff. Think of something you want to do, and then think of how you can use those sheet effects to emulate it.
Good Luck
Daniel the Neon Knight: Campaign Cartographer User
Never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice!
Any questions on CC3? Post them with CC3 in the Subject Line!
MY 'FAMOUS' CC3 MAPS: Thunderspire; Pyramid of Shadows; King of the Trollhaunt Warrens; Demon Queen's Enclave
Thank you VERY much!!!
I did not imagine that it was that easy (thought I would have to export the picture to a raster program to achieve this...).
Last edited by Fabrice; 03-01-2009 at 11:45 AM. Reason: typo
Hey Neon Knight,
I was going to have to make a lot of maps for these modules til I found your threads. The maps look great and I'm very glad that you went through all the trouble to make them and then were gracious enough to share them.
Thanks a ton.
Are you making any more sir (Holds out bowl Oliver Twist style).