Quote Originally Posted by jfrazierjr View Post
Sorry, I don't mean to sound belligerent,
Neither do I, and re-reading my post, I may have seemed to be. I apologise to anyone who might have been offended.

It's just that I had a bad experience with CC2, which FAR outstripped my time and patience, and now anytime someone says 'steep learning curve' (an accusation which has been levelled at a number of programs used here, including GIMP) I'm afraid I switch off - sometimes a little too abruptly.

I still don't have a lot of confidence that something described as easy by experts and industry professionals will necessarily be easy to old 'all thumbs' here.

I just looked at the Xara website, and found the only version listed is Xara Extreme (as you can imagine, the title is immediate anathema to me) and it says it won't talk to anything older than XP.

Now if I could find 'Xara Elementary for Win9x', I might give it a whirl...

Thanks for the info on Paint.Net, Heather.
It's looking promising if I can find a version old enough to talk to my machine.