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Thread: [unpaid] Fantasy Dungeon Element

  1. #1

    Post [unpaid] Fantasy Dungeon Element

    I created this throne in Word Draw and exported it into Powerpoint to save as a PNG, (thanks again for the tip, Ravells) but this is about the best I can do at present. The proportins may be a bit off.
    It's questionable which is the greater limitation; Word Draw's capabilities or mine!

    It's so frustrating. I can see exactly what this is supposed to look like, but the image gets lost somewhere in the length of my arm...

    Soooo... I'd be very pleased if someone could draw a topdown properly for me.

    The work would be unpaid, but now I have thirty posts and a bit of rep under my belt, I could offer you one measly point of rep.

    The throne is made of white alabaster. The base is a truncated pyramid, the arms are vertical slabs. The back has three points and is slightly trapezoid.

    It is undamaged but should look somehow very old...

    The throne is either plain, or may have some minimal relief carving - potentially worn.
    It belongs to an Ice Witch - think Narnia, but darker.

    I don't need an elevation, that's just there as a drawing aid - though if you get interested in the project...
    The drawing should be a PNG transparency.

    A style similar to the Mortuary or the Draconian Ruins in the Finished Maps section would be good. The Waterside Hostel would be overkill for my maps, as would any photorealism.

    Time Constraints

    * None, but I'd rather not be drooling in anticipation for too many months.

    Size doesn't matter (honest!) I'm putting it into Viewingdale so I can scale it myself.

    Copyright -
    * I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes, the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio.
    <shrug> Not that I could be bothered selling it, but it may grace the pages of a story one day. I don't really mind if the artist gains from it, so long as I get a 'based on a design by..' credit.

    PS. Pretty please, and thanks.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by icosahedron; 03-15-2009 at 08:38 AM.
    Mapping a Traveller ATU.

    See my (fantasy-based) apprenticeship blog at:

    Look for Chit Chat, Sandmann's blog. Enjoy.

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