This is coming along very nicely. I particularly like the addition of house gardens, a vital resource for poor villagers.
Personally, I sort of like the different water colors of the river and the swamp. The rivers are moving and fresh, hence a lovelier color, while the swamp is full of festering plant matter. Though you might want to extend the area where the two water's mix; it is easy to miss.
Speaking of which, adding tall grass to the swamp might be a worth while idea. After all, peat is mostly grasses.
Something you might want to consider in place of chimneys is just a simple hole in a roof. Chimneys seem fairly fancy to me, something I'm not sure they could afford (while a simple hole in a roof, though it lets in rain, costs nothing as well.
Also, perhaps the villagers might like to have a village green; a place where they can gather, talk, and bring their animals in safety.