Grandwarf, the advice you are giving is not accurate. Yes CC3 is a CAD program and that is why it is easy to change the scale of objects and print at different sizes without the lost of resolution.

What you have not grasped is that CC3 does not deal in pixel. The default size of 1000 by 800 is in feet not pixels. The way you are going about drawing maps is ass backwards to how CC3 is designed to be used. The best way to use CC3 or any other CAD base programes is to draw the objects in a 1 to 1 scale. You want a house that is 20 ' by 30', you draw a house that is 20' by 30'. It's much easier to do it this way than to try and ajust the size to a different scale. Symbols for CD3 and DD3 are scale to match the real dimentions of objects on a 1 to 1 scale. It is easier to figure out ahead of time the amount of space you need to draw your map then to constantly rescale the symbols to fit on the map. This way you can use CC3 to its full potential. The way you are going about it now you will make your life more complicated if you want to add a grid or to print to a specific scale like 1" equals 5'. In the long run it's better to learn to do things right in the first place than to have to correct bad habits affter they have set in.

It just goes to show the true power of CC3 if you can use it incorectly and still get some good looking maps.

I apologize if come off a bit harsh, I just wanted to correct what was an obvious mistake on your part.