Ok, just a bit closer. Plowed the fields, sowed the seeds of peace and love, yata, yata, yata.
@Deanatglobe sorry, nothing fancy for crops. Pretty much Select and Fill. Used guyanonymous' texture 39, found here http://www.cartographersguild.com/sh...4&postcount=10 {thanks again, Guy}, mapped small tiles til I felt the scale was good, altered lightness and color to suit, voila!
Tower shadows for the outside two were a bit long, but not by much. I had reduced them falling on the buildings as if the buildings were 1 story, which they're not (they're 2 stories). The illusion that the shadow for the middle tower is short persists for me. Comments please.
For Torstan, sorry, I had actually meant to correct that, somehow it slipped by. An easy fix (now that I am more familiar with the weapons at my command).
Regarding the shingles, I'm not real happy with my results. Take a look, give me an opinion. Some buildings look better than others (perfectly oriented buildings look bad, IMO). Unless I get some kind of thunderbolt, genius idea, or the public outcry is to keep them, I think I'll let them go. Same for the chimneys, and I think the grunge as well (my efforts on those fronts were so bad I'm embarrassed to show them).
Finally, Kingbreaker. Thank you for your kind words, and the rep, but, truth be told, at the beginning of this calender year I could not produce a rectangle on the computer (in any kind of program). This map has become more of an exercise to learn how to do just that, and more (as much as I can). I think I'm coming along.
SB 4-5-09@75%.PNG
Remaining; I would still like to find a small fountain. The areas of cultivated dirt not planted are animal enclosures. A fence, at this scale, is nothing but a pixel, but maybe I can fake in a shadow... Finally finishes.
Please, more comments (esp those tower shadows and the shingles, as well as anything you think I may have forgotten or will improve my map).
lol, that farmer in the north has been complaining about the shadows from the trees falling accross his fields... how he managed to get his crops to grow over the shadow is a mystery, but I'll take care of it.