Filter forge is amazing. Thanks for the link guy! I really want it....
Mapping a Traveller ATU.
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Look for Chit Chat, Sandmann's blog. Enjoy.
Filter forge is amazing. Thanks for the link guy! I really want it....
If you buy it, see if you can say I referred you! Maybe they'll give me a free copyI can't quite justify it yet, no matter how much I'd like to.
I'm not sure I can justify it either. It's also quite slow on my machine...but the thought of being able to make my own filters sounds just too good to resist!
Yeah, I wish I had the $$$ available to buy this too.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
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They used to have a special deal with FF, I don't have the time to go check to see if it is still on, but basically if you downloaded the free version, make a filter that gets downloaded a bunch of times, you get a free full version of FF. You guys are talented enough, you might be able to do that. Assuming that the deal is still there.
The deal is still there - you need to make 3 filters to get the product free. Some of the filters are incredibly slow though, so my initial shine to it has palled a bit!
For those that did pick up filter forge and have experimented with it...
I was wondering if it might be possible to take several different brushes and place them randomly in an area while avoiding the edge of your selection. This may allow you to select your area for, perhaps, a forest within photoshop and apply a random forest pattern. Of course you could also generate huge random tiles to use when painting your areas as well.
Anyway, just thought I'd raise this as a possible way to get those randomly created textures using brushes.