That is really... WOW! You've gone into a lot of detail here. Good work!
Love the map but I have a question. Some of the rooms look to be completely walled in. Is there a secret door at the thinnest wall?
Dollhouse Syndrome = The temptation to turn a map into a picture, obscuring the goal of the image with the appeal of cute, or simply available, parts. Maps have clarity through simplification.
--- Sigurd
That is really... WOW! You've gone into a lot of detail here. Good work!
“It is not down in any map; true places never are.” (Herman Melville)
“A good map is both a useful tool and a magic carpet to far away places." (unknown)
Thanks everybody.
I am getting it put together for the contest and should have it submitted early next week.
The rooms that are sealed off have secret doors. In the virtual tabletop apps with fog of war revealing a wall that looks different is usually too much of a tell-tale sign to the players to search.. so I leave the wall looking like every other wall. If you look close at the floor leading into the glowing chamber you can see scratches in the floor and little piles of rubble from where the secret door opens.
Devin...just be sure about the symbols, the contest rules provide that:
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- All submissions must be your own work.
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And the submission form you have to sign says:
That I warrant and represent that (i) this Contest Submission is original to me and has not heretofore been published in any commercial form, that I am the sole creator of said Contest Submission,
I'm not sure if that means whether you can use symbols from the web...(There is an earlier post saying that you used a symbol set of some sort ' Qin mapping-objects pack'- don't know if that's the case).
The scary bit about the submission form is this:
That I further agree that I will hold ICE, its distributors, and any retailer harmless against any recovery or penalty finally arising out of this warranty, and in this event I will reimburse ICE for all court costs and legal fees incurred.
It's not entirely clear to me from the wording whether if you use symbols which are free to all it's OK, or whether the work has to be originally yours, but it's clear that if you use copyrighted stuff that ICE can look to you to make good any compensation they have to pay if they use the work and it turns out that you have used copyrighted material.
Might be worth checking with them before you sign the submission form. It might help if you get the author of the Qin mapping symbols pack to email them saying that (s)he's ok with the symbols being used.
Your entry is so utterly beautiful it has to be submitted but please be aware of the risks.
Last edited by ravells; 04-23-2009 at 05:59 PM.
Yep, the Qin symbol pack definitely is his creation.
I've used stuff from the Dundjinni user creation forums in mine, and they haven't said boo about it.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
That's great then! Just didn't wan't anyone to get into trouble cos the terms can come back and bite you if you're not careful.
I agree. If you haven't already Ravs, you may want to take a look at all of Devin's symbol sets. They are really good. They are hand drawn though so they only fit that style of map.