Quote Originally Posted by dormouse View Post
...culprit was CircleDock. Unfortunately, it's something I have open and use all of the time. I shall report the issue, but unfortunately again the developer seems to have been taken over by real life a few months ago. Anyway, I have reinstalled VD and will have a look; I'm willing to spend some time without CircleDock, every now and then at least
You have a very large RAM card so it ought to be able to store textures for big icons and have enough RAM to keep several screens going with 3D accel. The only thing I can think of is that circledock is continuously loading textures and rendering all the time and burning all the power. My main app goes idle when it stops moving and updating and it defers to other apps a lot too so its likely to come off worst in a duke out for resources. The test app should hog it a bit more tho for the 30 secs but I am not making any significant hard effort to take over the machine for the 30 secs - the expectation is that the machine is idle when you run it.