Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Dormouse: Ok I apologize and take it back then.

If your not so certain and will look at it and decide then that is a much healthier point of view.

I know its not the all encompassing app and that it has its cons as well as pros

I genuinely have no views about ViewingDale as a mapmaker, and when I look at it I'll try and work out what its strengths and weaknesses are. Because it does a lot of other things, I'd be suprised if it were better in all ways at making maps than CC3 (with addons) for example since CC3 (so far as I know) only makes maps and is pretty expensive as a total suite. From my brief view so far, ViewingDale seems quite a unique product..

Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Anyway - will be interesting to see your conclusions then.
I'm sure I will have conclusions, and I will say (at least some of) what I think.
But, personally, I don't usually find other people's conclusions very helpful in a review.
What I do like, and what I will do, is say what I did and what the outcomes were, and I'll make observations about the process of making the maps and using the program.
If any deficiencies in my methods or use of the prog are pointed out, I'll go back and do it again.
I might at some point produce a number of lists giving my opinion on the progs I have tested for various users and/or type of use - eg Progs in order of ease of use for casual users; Progs in order of versatility of mapping types etc etc; will depend on what sorts of lists (in my opinion) have a genuine hierarchy in the progs and might be helpful to others.

But I'm afraid the whole thing will be a slow, tortoise like (or should that be tortuous like?) process but hopefully fairly thorough (I'll be aiming at very) and transparent.