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Thread: Cartographic Terminology

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by su_liam View Post
    Gebirge - (German) mountains, mountain range
    Erg - (Arabic) dune, sandy desert
    Hamada - (Arabic) rocky plateau
    Chott - (Arabic) salt lake
    Djebel - (Arabic) mountain
    Nahr - (Arabic) river
    Oued - (Arabic) river
    Sahara - (Arabic) desert, plain
    Sebkha - (Arabic) salt marsh

    There's a start.
    Some more Arabic topographical terms:
    Buhiyra - Lake (Generally freshwater)
    Bahr - Sea
    Tal - Hill
    Khalij - Gulf
    Qanat - Canal

    Administrative Terms:
    Wilayat - State or Province
    Balad - Region or County
    Medina - City
    Ruba' - Quarter (as in "foreign quarter")
    Hayy - District

    Those are just off the top of my head; if you have specific terms you'd like for a middle-eastern-themed map let me know.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by cyfir View Post
    Those are just off the top of my head; if you have specific terms you'd like for a middle-eastern-themed map let me know.
    How about the cardinal directions? (North, South, East, West)
    Fort or fortress
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
    How about the cardinal directions? (North, South, East, West)
    Fort or fortress
    North - Shamaal
    South - Janub
    East - Sharq
    West - Gharib

    Fort (as in military installation) - Mu'askr
    Fortress (as in castle/fortification) - Qala'
    Forest - Ghaba
    Road - Tariq

  4. #4


    Fabulous! Thanks for that, and have some rep!
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

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