Rob Lazzaretti, Todd Gamble, &/or Dennis Kauth. I'm reading that book right now.
My Googling is on the blink and I don't have the books to hand. Who was the cartographer for the 3.5 Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide? You know, the one with the really iconic map style. I can't believe I can't track the name down.
Rob Lazzaretti, Todd Gamble, &/or Dennis Kauth. I'm reading that book right now.
Torstan, there wasn't an FR 3.5 Campaign Setting Book. The only Campaign Setting Book was 3.0. The cartographers for it were Rob Lazzaretti, Todd Gamble, and Dennis Kauth.
There was a Player's Guide to Faerun released for 3.5. The cartographers for it were Rob Lazzaretti and Dennis Kauth.
A gallery of Lazzaretti's work can be found at His personal website with samples can be found at
Todd Gamble's website is at and has samples of some of his cartographic work.
I wasn't able to find either a site or gallery for Dennis Kauth.
Hope this helps Torstan, keep those great maps of yours coming out.
[D'oh! Zeta Kai answered while I was composing my answer]
Last edited by thebax2k; 05-03-2009 at 01:50 AM. Reason: found Lazz's website
Thanks guys. I was looking for a single credit for the FR map, but even Wizards credits all three for it:
God, I look at these guy's work and realise how much I still have to learn. That was a good shot of inspiration before heading into a day of mapping...
@Thebax2k: More maps are always coming. My new website picked up commissions for two poster maps, I've got the summer Map of Fantasy for Kobold Quarterly, and a bundle of maps for Halls of the Mountain King for Wolfgang Baur's Open Design. So no shortage of maps in the pipeline
Way to go, man. Continued good luck.
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps
Thanks! With all of that, the other juicy challenges of this month here, ICE and the one page dungeon might all slide. There aren't enough hours in the day sadly...
And don't forget we're still counting on you to keep the universe from imploding!
Bryan Ray, visual effects artist
Ah yes, well no danger of that for the time being - CERN is still due for a restart in September with a scheduled run through the winter.