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Thread: August Entry: roses aren't always red

  1. #1

    Post August Entry: roses aren't always red

    OK, my inspiration is the Antikethira Device (spelling is wrong, I'm sure) - I plan to create a compass rose with a marine motif, corroded bronze and gold, maybe a sea dragon surrounding or Poseidon or Mermaids as part of the design

    With the device in mind, I plan to incorporate some "unknown" gears and mechanisms behind the rose, as if it helps drive this "machine rose compass"

    I might also include some coral encrustations, barnacle and other "build up from the bottom of the sea"

    Why you ask - I don't know, just something I want to try.

    Of course, I will be using Xara to composite the entirety, but may also include some 3D content, especially for the ocean motif objects in design.

    We'll see what happens... oh, and rather than a simple WIP, I might create a complete multipage tutorial PDF - Creating a Compass Rose in Xara from Scratch!

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Link I call it "Sea Rose"

    OK, I call this my "Sea Rose"

    I slightly altered what I planned on creating only, because I didn't like the results. I settled for dolphins for my sea creatures and worked with corroded bronze gold effect - also dropped the Antikethyra device, it didn't work. I also didn't get as "natural" with bottom debris - big ideas, not enough time.

    Still I am happy with results - this is a combination of 3D design (dolphins and the trident only), the rest was generated within Xara Xtreme.

    It is a transparent PNG file at 96 dpi

    Anybody got a map I can place this to show it off better?

    I will post a tutorial for this on Monday.

    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 08-12-2007 at 04:39 AM. Reason: replaced link with inserted image

  4. #4
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    Nicely done. I like the combo of 3d elements and 2d elements. Would look great on top of a sea texture I think. Maybe one of Pyrandon's maps with a sea background...I dunno hehe.
    Fantaseum (

    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

  5. #5
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Very nice, Gameprinter. I like it!
    My gallery is here
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  6. #6

  7. #7

    Post Thanks guys!

    Actually when I post the tutorial on Monday (or Sunday) I might add one more detail to tie the East, West, and outer green gems together - a ring of seaweed, so the rose is one connected object.

    The texture I created for the dolphins, I used to fill the central stars to keep the color consistent.


  8. #8

    Default I found a map to try the rose with...

    A corner of Greyhawk...

    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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  9. #9

    Tutorial OK, sea rose tutorial for Xara Xtreme is ready!

    The tutorial I promised using Xara Xtreme to create my "Sea Rose" design is now ready for viewing/downloading.

    The entire design of the sea rose, took me about an hour and a half from start to finish.

    This tutorial was completely generated in Xara as well, including its final PDF format. This tutorial took about as long to create as the compass rose itself.

    Without further adieu...
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

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