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Thread: Terrainmonkey's Map-A-Day thread

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  1. #1


    I'm not sure if it's just me, but I find myself looking at the black bits as the centre of attention, they really leap off the map. Might be worth trying a white fill instead of black, that might lead the eye to the cave floor? Or maybe a light grey or something. Otherwise I really like the tunnel shapes - very natural.


  2. #2


    here's an update, now that i had a few minutes to monkey with it.
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  3. #3


    okay, so it's been a few days, but weekends are rather busy for me. so here's a little hand doodle i scanned in and modified. i originally called it "Caves of the Brine Overlord" because it came to me off the top of my head and i thought it sounded cool. if that's been used already by someone in the gaming industry, sorry. not trying to infringe on copyright or something you see.

    anyway, take a look. tell me what you think. i tried and tried to make maps in different styles, but the more i do, i always come back to hand drawn. odd, that.

    on the map below, i accidentally deleted the number 6. not really hard to see what room that is. (its the one with the number missin', innit JP?)
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    Last edited by terrainmonkey; 08-20-2007 at 10:54 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Love the "D&D 1st ed" feel of it! The hatching is nice, as is the feel of the "hex paper." Thanks for posting this!
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  5. #5


    hey folks!

    well, after a week of nothing, i present to you a series of hand drawn maps that i've been working on the past few days. i found some old graph paper, did some maps with a sharpie pen only and this is what i came up with. just doodles, without any plan. testing out the crosshatching thing. (hellhound, this is not to copy your style, though i must admit to you giving me inspiration for this type of map. old school hand drawn is becoming more and more appealing of late. i just wanted to let you know i wasn't trying to copy you or anything.)

    anyway, here's the first. i'll try to post a few others maybe this evening after work. have fun. yoink it if you want.
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  6. #6


    here's another map i had a few minutes and decided to play around. basic, i know, but it works. i'll post the other levels in a couple of days. this was originally the Keep of the Crimson Despot that i was going to do last week. that being said, maybe this will be it. gonna have to label it a bit though.

    oh and i just changed the compass rose because i like the spearmen and it kind of goes with this map. hope you don't mind...
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    Last edited by terrainmonkey; 08-29-2007 at 10:24 AM.

  7. #7


    I love them. Especially the keep.

    Something about hand-drawn maps that screams "D&D!" to me.
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