Ok tell me what you think update number 3. This will be my update for the day lol.
Surgeon's General Warning
Heathan causes brain tumors, mass hysteria, random acts of violence, road rage, drunken nudity, world peace, 'the munchies', white noise, insanity, cthulu, anal leakage, METAL, presence of extraterrestrial, the freeing of ‘twins’, SNEAK ATTACK!, smoking, alcoholism, unadulterated awesomeness, and GANGSTA.
Eberron Ecologies 4/5 Rice Crispy Treats (by me and some other folks).
The Ten Commandments of Character Optimization 5/5 Rice Crispy Treats
Ok I updated the Entrance, on the 2nd part (the northern section) I plan on adding some more vines running accross the floor as well as some statues and columns. I want this place to look old, I'm thinkin' of adding some bodies to from the NPCs group having gotten here first.
Surgeon's General Warning
Heathan causes brain tumors, mass hysteria, random acts of violence, road rage, drunken nudity, world peace, 'the munchies', white noise, insanity, cthulu, anal leakage, METAL, presence of extraterrestrial, the freeing of ‘twins’, SNEAK ATTACK!, smoking, alcoholism, unadulterated awesomeness, and GANGSTA.
Eberron Ecologies 4/5 Rice Crispy Treats (by me and some other folks).
The Ten Commandments of Character Optimization 5/5 Rice Crispy Treats
Good work on that update!
Needs more highlights though.
I'm going to rep you though.
ok ok well I'm liken what I got now. I think I might go back and add more vegatation to the South Section of the map, but over all this looks pretty neat.
I'm think this will make for an interesting encounter map (lots of added kewlness effects).
- Vines count as difficult terrain.
- Bridge and well in which Players/Monsters can be knocked into, and then vines of course which can be used to climb back up into the fray (making it easy but time consuming.
- perhaps vines hanging from the ceiling which can be used to cross the gap without using the bridge.
- bridge is unstable and the monsters try to collapse it at the start of the encounter.
Anyone else got any ideas?
Surgeon's General Warning
Heathan causes brain tumors, mass hysteria, random acts of violence, road rage, drunken nudity, world peace, 'the munchies', white noise, insanity, cthulu, anal leakage, METAL, presence of extraterrestrial, the freeing of ‘twins’, SNEAK ATTACK!, smoking, alcoholism, unadulterated awesomeness, and GANGSTA.
Eberron Ecologies 4/5 Rice Crispy Treats (by me and some other folks).
The Ten Commandments of Character Optimization 5/5 Rice Crispy Treats
Ok so at this point I've got some cartographer's block and can't think of what I should do next for the ruins of Ruk'ifera'gina. Any suggestions would be helpful. The city will have undead, fey, and troglodytes; as well as the bbeg, I want to have them go through the city some though with a few encounters, so help me out here.
If you where crawling through a city that sunk beneath the earth in a fantasy world what would make for an interesting fight.
Surgeon's General Warning
Heathan causes brain tumors, mass hysteria, random acts of violence, road rage, drunken nudity, world peace, 'the munchies', white noise, insanity, cthulu, anal leakage, METAL, presence of extraterrestrial, the freeing of ‘twins’, SNEAK ATTACK!, smoking, alcoholism, unadulterated awesomeness, and GANGSTA.
Eberron Ecologies 4/5 Rice Crispy Treats (by me and some other folks).
The Ten Commandments of Character Optimization 5/5 Rice Crispy Treats
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
I've always been partial to hack n slash gore fests with lots of monsters but traps and puzzles are good too. From a mapping point of view: ropes, vines, crystals, stalagmites, holes, spikes, columns, statues, rocks, veins of gold, torches...stuff to add just for the sake of adding interest but don't clutter it all up.
Last edited by Ascension; 06-26-2009 at 12:52 AM.
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps
Its a level 7 party, but its not really just about the monsters. Its more about location, and what kind of stuff I can add to make the fight "kewler". Just hack'n'slashin' gets old after awhile.
Surgeon's General Warning
Heathan causes brain tumors, mass hysteria, random acts of violence, road rage, drunken nudity, world peace, 'the munchies', white noise, insanity, cthulu, anal leakage, METAL, presence of extraterrestrial, the freeing of ‘twins’, SNEAK ATTACK!, smoking, alcoholism, unadulterated awesomeness, and GANGSTA.
Eberron Ecologies 4/5 Rice Crispy Treats (by me and some other folks).
The Ten Commandments of Character Optimization 5/5 Rice Crispy Treats
Dilemma: The group happens upon an intersection which they must pass. However, two groups of opposing creatures seem to be fighting in the middle with no way around. Neither group appears to be making much headway against the other, so the party must choose a side to tip the balance.
This takes some set up and works best if both groups are of different races. Even better, give them clues in previous encounters or locations as to which is the correct side to pick.
As for mapping stuff..... since the city is sunken, there is bound the be plenty of rubble, broken/fallen statues, unstable buildings(can you say traps/hazards?). Perhaps you can make a skill challenge moving through a particularly large structure, with success being avoiding a cave in, and failure.... well... not so pretty.
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.