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  1. #1
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    If it disappears in a puff of nothing then a lot of theories are very wrong We might get mini black holes though (they will evaporate away in fractions of a second) which would be cool. Though if they appear then the theories I work on are definitely wrong.

  2. #2


    This is as good a place as any for my first post.

    For the last few years, I've been mostly running Exalted. Prior to that I was a devoted Shadowrun fan. Before that were two killer campaigns with the same crew, one diceless, one 2nd Ed D&D game. Before that I was a Battletech/Mechwarrior junkie. Before that was an odd mix of Top Secret, Star Frontiers and Gamma World. A smattering of other games occurred throughout: In Nomine, Unknown Armies, Earthdawn, Heroes Unlimited, octaNe, Blue Planet, some homebrew stuff and a bit of d20.

    I'm in my late thirties now, and have been playing since I was about 12.

    Prior to seeing this site, I was under the impression that I was a passable map maker. I now see I have quite a bit to learn. I look forward to it.

  3. #3
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Welcome to the community Wordman!! I have wanted to play or be te Storyteller for Exalted for a long time. I have the core books and a couple others. I tried to join in a game so that I could get a sense of the setting and how to run it, but the ST was horrible and I left before I even started. I collected the comic for its couple issue run, but it ended before it got started. I tried the sample adventure from WW's website, but my group didn't really enjoy it. One of these days I suppose...

    I also really wanted to give Shadowrun a college try, but the only gm I could find was horrible and his group and my group just didn't mesh very well. What little we played was fun though.

    Of your other games, I've played Top Secret, Gamma World, Heroes Unlimited, D&D, and a few different d20 games. It sounds like you prefer the more 'eclectic' games.

    As for the map making, we are here to help and will do what we can to help.
    Bill Stickers is innocent! It isn't Bill's fault that he was hanging out in the wrong place.

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  4. #4


    Welcome, Wordman!

    I'm glad to see more Cyberpunk, SF players here! We're a little short in that department(Traveller is my current game of choice).

    Looking forward to seeing your work and helping where I can.


  5. #5

    Post Primarily DnD

    I've been playing since 1979 - D&D 1e, 2e, 10 year hiatus, 3.5. I've played: Runequest, Harn, Twilight 2000, Traveler, Space Opera, Aftermath, Call of Cthulu, HOL, Vampire (not LARP!), Werewolf, Paranoia...

    But primarily D&D. Right now playing a lame game with a new DM, but some of it is OK, (he owns all the 3.x books - that's the only reason he's DM...)

    Currently trying to build a D&D campaign on with one of RichardB's maps - it lots of fun, lots of work though. Flavor - greek city-states and the Apocalypse! Orcs overrunning everything, half the land slid into the sea after earthquakes, etc, etc.

    I'm 44, single with a german sheperd (Suiko) - she's my "daughter". I run the family business a digital graphics arts/printing studio, and getting my RPG Map POD shop going -
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  6. #6


    Sorry I didn't find this thread earlier. It's nice to learn a little more about all the great people here!

    Let's see, currently I'm hoping to start a campaign for Colonial Gothic (by Rogue Games), a horror RPG set during the American Revolutionary War. I'm a very big fan of horror roleplaying games, especially Victorian Horror (like Masque of the Red Death). My systems of choice are d20 Modern (which I use for Dark*Matter) and True20 (Freeport), but I really like the new 12 Degrees system from Rogue Games for its simplicity. I still play Star Trek (Last Unicorn Games version) whenever I can. I've run Pulp era games using Adamant Entertainment's Thrilling Tales, and I intent to use their Imperial Age supplements to start a Masque of the Red Death Victorian horror game soon as well.

    I'm in my 40s, divorced, and I have one son who is now in college. In real life my background is in nonprofit and arts administration specializing in arts education. Currently I work as a freelance grant writing consultant for public schools and cultural organizations in New York City. My other interests include baseball (GO YANKEES!), opera, theater and reading (anything and everything).

  7. #7
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaerdaph View Post
    Let's see, currently I'm hoping to start a campaign for Colonial Gothic (by Rogue Games), a horror RPG set during the American Revolutionary War. I'm a very big fan of horror roleplaying games, especially Victorian Horror (like Masque of the Red Death).
    This is a GREAT find--I really enjoyed looking over the system's wiki. My dream "pet project" has always been to write a Colonial sourcebook for GURPS--or, more likely, to co-write it, since I do not have sufficient solid history background, time, or nit-picky attention to detail to write it myself. My favorite idea for a setting: an alternate universe sort of colonial game where the New World is occupied by fantasy-esque creatures.
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by RPMiller View Post
    I have wanted to play or be te Storyteller for Exalted for a long time... I tried the sample adventure from WW's website, but my group didn't really enjoy it.
    You might look at the Exalted Compendium Redux for questions about the game. I suppose I can also pimp my own intro adventure, Forgotten Suns, which also contains some of my map work.

    For Shadowrun, Dumpshock is a good place to start.

  9. #9


    These kinds of posts are always fun, so hmmmm, let’s see…

    It’s probably best if I give a bit of personal background before talking about what I’m playing. I’m female, 49 years old, been married to the same guy for 24 years, have two sons aged 23 and 19. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 22 years, but before that I worked as FORTRAN programmer and also did technical writing on the side.

    So, I’m an old timer and my gaming preferences reflect this.

    On the game side of things, I’m the primary DM for our weekly gaming night, and we’ve been playing almost every week since 1983. I DM using a homebrew concoction of rules that combine 1st & 2nd AD&D, my hubby DMs occasionally using the original Rolemaster rules (you know the very, very original ones from the 80’s) and my older son DMs a 3rd edition campaign for us from time to time. We also translate some parts of our pen and paper game to table top war gaming using War Law for Rolemaster and the 2E Battle System (with homebrew modifications of course) for D&D.

    I’ve also been an Assistant DM(builder/scripter) for the Neverwinter Nights 1 persistent world at A Land Far Away: where I was one of the major forces in bringing an Underdark server to the PW, and am currently signed up to work on their NWN2 uunderdark server, though free time has been scarce for me lately and I haven’t participated much.

    Other than that I read fantasy fiction, play free form play by post games occasionally because I love to write, and generally spend any time that’s left mapping out my campaign world, gardening, or just hanging out with family and friends.

    Basically, I an old time gamer with a lot of free time on my hands to dedicate to gaming.

  10. #10
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shessar View Post
    These kinds of posts are always fun, so hmmmm, let’s see…

    It’s probably best if I give a bit of personal background before talking about what I’m playing. I’m female, 49 years old, been married to the same guy for 24 years, have two sons aged 23 and 19. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 22 years, but before that I worked as FORTRAN programmer and also did technical writing on the side.
    FORTRAN... I'm sorry.

    So, I’m an old timer and my gaming preferences reflect this.

    Basically, I an old time gamer with a lot of free time on my hands to dedicate to gaming.
    A lot of free time... *sigh* how I miss it.
    Bill Stickers is innocent! It isn't Bill's fault that he was hanging out in the wrong place.

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