Nice work you have done here, have some rep! Btw, just do those chairs with a black hole in the center of them happen to be toilet seats ?=D (there's quite many of them).. xD
I did this for a web campaing im running called "The Demogorgon's Will" and is the LvII of a rival temple.
As you can see i had problems withe the walls, i think it was my pc wich is old, and i didnt know the pdf creator trick to create the images.
Nice work you have done here, have some rep! Btw, just do those chairs with a black hole in the center of them happen to be toilet seats ?=D (there's quite many of them).. xD
That's the conference room. For those loooooong meetings.
Great map and I love the colour pallette. My only small crit is that you can see the repeat on background texture. I'm not a CC3 user so I don't know how one would get rid of it in that app, but hopefully one of the many CC3 users here might lend a hand with some advice. In PS for example, you might lay another texture on top and set the blend mode to (multiply or overlay etc) and/or use a layer mask.
Nice stuff.
Unfortunately I don't know how to avoid that repeating texture, maybe Neonknight does.
Check out my City Designer 3 tutorials. See my fantasy (city) maps in this thread.
Gandwarf has fallen into shadow...
To avoid the repeating pattern texture issues, I use other patterns that are similar (like a slightly different collored grass or dirt effect in a few places), and apply to them an edge effect to blend them into the background.
For things like the back ground I increase the tile size, so if the Tile is scaled at 5, I increase it to 20 (or something similar),
Daniel the Neon Knight: Campaign Cartographer User
Never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice!
Any questions on CC3? Post them with CC3 in the Subject Line!
MY 'FAMOUS' CC3 MAPS: Thunderspire; Pyramid of Shadows; King of the Trollhaunt Warrens; Demon Queen's Enclave