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Thread: Online Colour Scheme Generators

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  1. #1


    ON a similar note, does anyone know of a reference for indexed gradients for terrain elevation mapping?

    I have a few (tropical, desert, generic, Mediterranean) and will upload them, but was looking for a reference....

    -Rob A>

  2. #2

  3. #3


    And another one:

    This one is different as it will take any image on the web and produces one dull palette and one vibrant palette that match the colors in the image provided.

    For example using the current featured map:

    gave this result:

    -Rob A>

  4. #4


    Another method (with more control) is to import the picture into a raster editing program (like GIMP, photoshop etc) and use a mosaic filter to break up the image into large squares of uniform colour. You can then use the colour picker to sample all the colours on the page (some programs have an automatic script which does this for you with one click).
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  5. #5
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Hey! That is a really neat idea, and I bet that is essentially what the website does as well.
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  6. #6

  7. #7


    Semi-related link:

    This Web site will convert hexidecimal numbers to decimal numbers (and visa-versa):

    Some programs (like Fireworks) displays RGB (red, green and blue) numbers in hexidecimal (base 16), not decimal. Campaign Cartographer 3 requires decimal (our "normal" base 10 number system) numbers in the RGB fields in color definitions. Sometimes I like to make custom color palettes for maps in CC3 based on something I've seen elsewhere. I open the file in Fireworks, use the eyedropper tool to select the color(s) I like, and copy down the hexidecimal RGB numbers corresponding to that color. Then I convert them on the Web site above to decimal and enter those in CC3.

    If anyone would like to learn more about creating their own custom color palettes in CC3, see these Help topics (search for them in the Index view):

    • Understanding Colors in CC3
    • custom palette

    Help is available for CC3 both in the program on the Help menu and online:
    Last edited by jaerdaph; 11-09-2007 at 06:21 PM.
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  8. #8
    Guild Novice Guild Sponsor fullmetalpegasus's Avatar
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    These are all fantastic tools, many of them are ones I use for illustration work. It really pleases me that so many tricks in my bag have a parallel to cartography.

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