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Thread: Barovia WIP

  1. #21
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    Ok, back to barovia.

    In the interests of not wearing out the hardware with all the clicking, i broke down and created a set of 30 brushes out of the mountains I'd already drawn on this map (it felt more honest than using the traced ones from the Transylvania map). I have them broken down into small, medium and large, then further subdivided into round or craggy

    Anyhow, I think this worked out okay, I'm in the process of going through and filling the individual spaces, which further adds to difficulty in spotting repeated mountains

    Once the mountains are done, the rest should be relatively easy. When i'm done the map, I'll post the brushes, I plan on adding several trees to it as well, plus I'll be reusing the cities/towns from the Transylvania map.

    I also resized downwards now that the mountains are placed, not by much, just bringing it from 4k-ish to 3k-ish on each side. But then I rememberd I'd be doing trees, so to keep everything in scale with each other, I'll do the resizing once the map is finished. (though this version was saved before I reverted)
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  2. #22
    Guild Adept Alfar's Avatar
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    Beautiful mountains. I think I see some bleeding through, though - mountain bottoms sticking into mountain tops that should have covered them.

    Someone mentioned using the clone stamp tool instead of making brushes to keep the white inside the mountains, maybe that's for you too?

  3. #23
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    I've been going through and cleaning up the bleeding through bits as I go, but if I could only remember things like the clone stamp

    I should go practice with it for awhile.

    After playin around and reading up on the subleties of the tool, I have no idea how the clone stamp tool would help me on this, or speed up the process in any way..

    [edit] ok, i found the post describing the process, but it looks like it'll be at least as much work as just cleaning this image with the bits of overlap.
    Last edited by Coyotemax; 10-01-2009 at 10:01 AM.

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  4. #24
    Professional Artist Tiana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyotemax View Post
    I've been finding all sorts of tips like this all of a sudden. Maybe I should take the time to read through the CS3 bible Thoroughly instead of skipping around and skimming bits here and there

    for example:
    Press Shift+[
    (Shift+left bracket) to make the brush softer; press Shift+] (Shift+right bracket) to make the brush
    harder. Both shortcuts work in 25-percent increments. For example, you have to press Shift+] four

    times to go from 0 percent Hardness to 100 percent.

    Preset shortcuts:
    You can cycle between presets even when no palette is visible. Press the
    comma (,) to toggle to the previous brush shape in the list. Press the period (.) to select
    the next brush shape. You also can press Shift+, (comma) to select the first brush shape
    in the list (1 pixel wide) and Shift+. (period) to select the last brush.

    And just the left and right square brackets increase or decrease the brush size
    Hitting the numbers on the top change opacity
    control - or + zooms in and out
    alt + [ or ] = change layer
    control + [ or ] will move the current layer up or down.
    alt + backspace = fill in all selections.

    Hold down control when you've selected something to move what's in the selection.
    Hold down control and alt and hit an arrow key to duplicate a layer.
    Control-alt drag also duplicates.
    Alt-drag also duplicates.

    /list of useful shortcuts.

    I had a PDF of all the possible Photoshop keyboard shortcuts somewhere, organized much better than the Photoshop export version, that included all the hidden shortcuts... I wonder where I put it.

    Your mountains are gorgeous, by the way. I love the hand drawn look. I always love hand drawn mountains.

  5. #25
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    If you love these, wait till I scan in the harcopy I'm doing next

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  6. #26
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
    I had a PDF of all the possible Photoshop keyboard shortcuts somewhere, organized much better than the Photoshop export version, that included all the hidden shortcuts... I wonder where I put it.
    Tiana, try this link:
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

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  7. #27
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    Ok, rivers are done and i'm starting on the forests! It's getting to the point where I can't wait to start on the hardcopy version.. my hands are getting itchy!
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  8. #28
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor Gidde's Avatar
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    Coming along nicely!

    Those trees look REALLY tiny though. Were they that tiny in the transylvania map?

  9. #29
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    They were, actually.

    Some of my mountains are a larger scale (i was going for very large craggy mountains with a few of the shapes) so it might be making the trees look a bit smaller. I've got most of the forests laid out for general areas right now with the one tree style (lots of scatter and size jitter - then erasing the ones that overlap rivers or other trees) and about ti fill in wit the second tree style. it's already looking better than the example WIP.

    [edit] Just checked for comparison, and yeah, the mountains on the transylvania map are both closer together, and a bit smaller. I'll keep that in mind for the next map.
    Last edited by Coyotemax; 10-03-2009 at 10:21 AM.

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  10. #30
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    All I can say is that the trees are too dark when compared to the mountains...drop the opacity a bit. But I'm sure you probably already see that.
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