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Thread: Kingdom Map beginning

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  1. #1


    The Idea for the Cartouche was fore thinking when I start geting down into the other areas but now that you mention it I could just as well Leave it be. This map denotes the major players other subsequent maps can be infered upone by this one...Yes, yes that would work.

    When I created the map the first time the general idea was to have the capital Duchy control the majority of the mineral resources Being right near a mountain. Medvain was indead going to have the lumber trade as well as some animal husbandry. The southernmost area was going to be agricultural to a point but also be riddled with Ruins from a lost civilization. The eastern Duchy while not being the capital of the religious tradition was going to have the major religious training areas (in addition to agriculture).

    Another few notes, due to the rather Xenophobic nature of this kingdom, Stiglum was going to have a large build up of military troops as most other kingdoms fall south by south east of this one.

    I was also planning on small border conflicts within the kingdom (E.G. Stiglum cuting trees along the border and Medvein claiming poaching)

    So I will probaly wind up using the Shield idea for a Feudal tree; showing the full relations with in the kingdom.

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
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    Sydney Australia


    Just another moment in Geo-politics...
    There doesn't seem to be a good reason for the position of the Stiglum-Storgrad border to not be the river. Most duchies are bounded by natural borders (rivers, mountains, hills, forests, roads)...

    Yes, I am possibly the "Geo-Politics Police"... if the Admins want to add a badge to me... I'll take that one...

    **Puts on imperious voice** Your nations are in breach of protocols! Please adjust them immediately!

    Hmm... get the feeling it won't get so far...

  3. #3


    No your completely right. Storgrads border should be extended to include all of that grassland area, and Stingems border needs its terminus more at the river. That is somthing I do try and follow my self Hence Stiglums bordes ending at the Forest edge.

    Any who thanks for pointing that out

  4. #4


    Ok, Whent ahead and deleted the Excess notation on the shields and the legend refering to them. After consideration Decided that since the map has the Kingdom Flag on it and that the Imperial Family uses the exact same crest, that it would be redundant to use any excess marking. Reworked the borders so that they matched the land more Geo-politicaly. Also used a smaller stroke on them. Turned out to give the area a sinse of larger scale.

    Here it is:

    Let me know if anything is out of sorts. Just reiterating I am new to Digi-mapping, and would like to become skilled at this.

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    Sydney Australia


    *notes that this will sound nit-picky*
    I'm not sure if you've posted and older WIP. Your duchy border down south (below the Pool of Stars) wanders all over the river/water/lake and kinda seems to not make massive sense. I'd be thinking that the borders would follow the river (with the border on one side of the river because someone would want to "own" it - I suspect it would go to Storgrad just like the Pool of Stars belongs to Storgrad).

  6. #6


    Not nit picky at all, just pointful. You would be completely correct. In the curent story (20 years after a war) Stiglum, the most southern Princepality, used its influence and status as gardian to the Empire to aquire more land in the name of defense. This of corse has brought turmoil to the two Principalities.

    The Emperor of corse did not however make this decision without provisions. Within 10 years Stiglum is supose to have forts staged along the border to sufficiently pattrol the area, A large post will be built onto the main trade road to act as an initial processesing. This fort will contain the Empires first full time Auxillia and two full legions to be chosen by the church. This somewhat apeased the Prince of storgrad, who's holdings contain most of the Churches training houses including the Praetor's mansion. If the conditions have not been met by Stiglum at the apointed time then Storgrad will take over the land and associated buildings.

    At least thats the story

  7. #7


    Sorry, I did not have time to read the entire thing. As I am almost late for work. But what program are you using to create your map?

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