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  1. #1
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    @Gandwarf: Thanks. I'm not 100% sure that my hydrology will stand up to the river police and I need to look at it again. Many of the largest of those are supposed to be very deep, according to my backstory, and surrounded by higher ground. Not sure that gets around the need to have them drain on the surface to the sea. Imma consult some real maps again before I finalize those. I have another problem with rivers in that I had intended at least one to get to the northeast coast, where my city Haibianr is supposed to sit - but I ended up making a pretty solid wall of mountains over there.

  2. #2


    There are plenty of large bodies of water in this world that do NOT drain to the ocean. As long as the geography supports a bowl like topography. The glacial(sp) action created a lot of interesting terrain in north america.
    Last edited by AlohaRover; 11-08-2009 at 10:27 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    I know of five such large bodies of water. I am sure that there are others but these are the five that I know of - The Dead Sea (I think it's actually below sea level so it would have to flow uphill to get to the ocean), Crater Lake in Oregon, The Great Salt Lake in Utah, the Aral Sea between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and the Caspian Sea just west of there is the largest. This link will give you some more info - Endorheic
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