Ah thanks Sapiento! What a cool idea with the brushes. You should take a look at Alfar's context free building generator - that looks like a great way to generate a whole lot of new brushes very quickly.
Something has changed
Ah thanks Sapiento! What a cool idea with the brushes. You should take a look at Alfar's context free building generator - that looks like a great way to generate a whole lot of new brushes very quickly.
Thanks for the link, Ravs. Have to give it a try.
Lovin it, Sapiento. The only crit I have is that the craters that are all land have little ridges around the outside (which look great), but the ones that take chunks out of the water's edge just end ... not sure if there'd be a ridge per se, but there'd probably be some high-wave action that obliterated buildings where it didn't obliterate the ground underneath them.
Edit: on a closer look, it looks like you've given those spots a shallow covering of water, which makes sense. Feel free to disregard the sleepy crit above
Last edited by Gidde; 11-05-2009 at 07:50 AM.
Gidde's just zis girl, you know?
My finished maps | My deviantART gallery
My tutorials: Textured forests in GIMP, Hand-Drawn Mapping for the Artistically Challenged
I've been scratchin' my head for a long time trying to come up with suggestions. Here's all I got.
The water throughout has lovely texture but no change in overall saturation, value, hue, or temperature as it sweeps across the picture plane. In painting, we never leave any broad surface the same color intensity, the same light-to-dark structure, the same hue (red, green, blue, blah, blah, blah), or the same temperature on the color wheel all the way across its surface. Otherwise the surface looks flat, dead, even if it has texture on the small scale. Backgrounds don't drop back in space. Foregrounds tend to "posterize", meaning flip up flat, parallel to the picture plane.
If this were my piece (wouldn't THAT be fantastic!!), I might consider laying a gradient selection across the entire body of water and making the water ever so slightly darker in one corner than in the far corner, and ever so slightly greener or more purple on the top than on the bottom (or the other way around, or diagonally). I might similarly vary the saturation, moving in a different direction. Any kind of subtle set of transitions, even if barely noticable, might breath even more life into the scene.
If you have worlds of time, you might consider dropping the shadow pattern of a complex series of clouds and sunshine over the entire piece. That might create a sense of present-day movement, to contrast with the static, never-to-be-repaired feel of the dead city. But that's a huge amount of work, playing patterns, with shadows of ruined structures hit by patches of sunlight, and incorporating all the necessary temperature changes. I'd need another month.
Wonderful work! Inspiring!
Last edited by Ashenvale; 11-05-2009 at 07:42 PM.
looking great again. now where did those awesome buildings go? hehe, maybe you can bring some of those back in a 'destructive kind of way'...
@ Ashenvale: Thanks for the suggestions - and the praise . I had already seen that the water was too flat, but was then too tired after hours of drawing to change it. But I will do.
@Djekspek: Will be difficult to bring back anything after this slaughter
'Before' and 'after' maps put together. In the middle a small map with a legend.
### Latest WIP ###
Three things:
1) What did the Atlanteans do to deserve a counter-strike?
2) "Little"? Man, don't get them mad, I guess.
3) Who knew the Athenaens had tac-nukes?
Seriously, though, nicely done. Love the map.
1) According to Platon the Atlanteans had a huge empire consisting of Atlantis (beyond the 'pillars of Heracles') and parts of Europe and North Africa, while the ancient Athens ruled over the Peloponnese. When the Atlanteans attacked Athens war broke out.
I mixed into this story the ancient Greek gods and gave the Athenaians (not 'Athenians': see my first post in this thread) lightning weapons, made by Zeus. The Little Counterstrike occured after the Atlanteans flooded the Peloponnese with artificial
2) What do you think put Atlantis under the waves? This was the 'Great' counterstrike.
3) The before mentioned lightning weapons, great heat and power.