Quote Originally Posted by Slag52 View Post
Hello everyone. I've joined up to ask for some assistance. My friends and I have decided to start playing D&D together, and I'm DM. Unfortunately, we aren't able to hang out that often. I figured that I might be able to find something on the internet, and I was able to find the D&D Maptool. Unfortunately, it didn't work exactly as I had hoped. I was lucky, though. I was able to find out about this website with it. I'm hoping someone can direct me to a program that can make maps using tiles set on a grid. It would be a great help. Thank you!
I play D&D online via a VTT (Virtual Table Top) app called ScreenMonkey by NBOS.
It's only 34.95, and very simple to use. There is also a "Free" scaled down version of SM on the site if you want to down load it and test it out.

I can also let you have a "tour" of my full version, just let me know if your intrested.

My D&D site:

Contact me on AIM or Yahoo IM, My nick is MadCartographer on both.

Have a look at SM, it's simple and only the GM needs to purchase it, the players all connect via a browser, preferable IE because other browsers may not have all the functions as IE does.
