The colors are different.. I really like how crisp and bright they are.. somehow they work here.. Maybe some (more) subtle variation in the sea color would make it more harmonious with the land. Nice!
Another thing you might try is to remove the mountain outlines totally as that might work given the colors you have. If it's just a bit too sparse, another option is to reduce the opacity of the outline layer after you do some bluring to tone it down more.. check out my Baldimar WIP map to see how it might look.
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
The colors are different.. I really like how crisp and bright they are.. somehow they work here.. Maybe some (more) subtle variation in the sea color would make it more harmonious with the land. Nice!
have some rep for a very unique map!
Dude, that is gorgeous. The colors are fantastic and they're what really drives this map. I also really dig your hand-drawn style, the little crystal mountain thingy and the forests especially.
Like the other folks, the only thing I've got problems with is the severity of the black outlines. Perhaps lower the opacity of the coastlines and mountains, but to different levels, to give some contrast?
First of all, I like the fact that you used such a unique style. It isn't another copy of all of the maps out there.
A couple of minor issues to my eye. Some of the city names are so faded that they are a little hard to read. Also, I would like to see the forest for the "Unending forest" a different color than the land below it. I like how you did the woodlands just above the word Eidor.
I like this! I'm actually working on something... I won't say similar, but at least in a similar direction.
Question-did you hand-draw in things like your mountains and forests? Also, are you using a tablet, or did you just mouse at it?
Very nice. I love the non-photo-realist effect.
I am having trouble with Isantar, however. Yellow and brown are dry, green is verdant and lush terrian, yes, why is Isantar purple?
Thanks to all who gave rep!
I've been working at toning down the bold outlines on the mountains, by smudging them a little - it seems to compliment the hand painted look well
The problem with the coastlines i finally realized was more that they were all very flat and this was exaggerated by the thick outline. I am working on giving the coastlines more features and depth. I also took away the dark sea border.
I'm glad the colors are going over well, it was kind of a gamble to keep them so saturated. But there was thought behind it. The whole idea with the wild colors was to imbue each region with a distinct personality, rather than to be 100% representative of the terrain. That way a player looking at the map could get an idea both emotionally and geographically of what each area was like, and then that would be reflected in the dominant cultures in whichever region. So..
Nurdion is a temperate foresty area -kind of typical fantasy european style
Galtha is rocky and violent, ruled by warlords and worshipers of storm gods
Iscenia is mostly peaceful and calm with many travellers, (monks in the mts.)
Isantar covered by dark jungles it is mysterious and dangerous and plagued by the shadow - thus the purple
and of course there are the harsh deserts and lush sylvan forests as well.
Yes, the mountains and forest are hand drawn, using a wacom tablet. The map started as a pencil drawing and was then scanned and painted over with the tablet.
Fixing the mountain shadow problem could be tricky since the mountains were all hand painted. Mirroring them didn't work too well as they then ran the wrong direction.
I may try to change the coastlines so they are simply a darker version of the land they border instead of a solid black.